Chapter 12: Yeah, Let's Stick To The First One

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Sophia Carter:

"So, where are we going next?" After going to the park, Zach and I went to his car.

"I dunno. Maybe go to the mall to eat." Yes, I only go to the mall just to eat.

"But we just had ice cream at the park." He says as we were far from the park.

"So? I don't care." Boys will never understand us.

He sighed.

As Zach reached the mall, he searched for a parking space in the parking lot.

As we both go down, he reached my hand and hold it.

What the ...

"What are you doing?" I said, trying to hide my blush.

"Holding your hand so you won't get lost." Alright, he's a keeper.

I took out his hold from my hand, "I won't get lost."

"Still," He got my hand again. Alright, the blush is there. "What if I didn't know that you went somewhere?" He smirks lightly as he saw my blush.

"I have my phone, I can call you." As I said that, he still didn't agree with it. He still hold my hand. I sighed in defeat, "Fine, I won't go anywhere." Then, he smirked.

"Overprotective," I muttered. I heard him chuckle.

As we got in the mall, stares- no, I meant glares were on us.

Ugh, can people mind their own fucking business?

I ignore the glares that both girls and boys gave us and went to the food court.

As we entered, Zach took out the held from our hand, but he exchange it to wrap his arm around my shoulders.

Damn you, blush.

Let's get food, alright.


After we ate our pizza, we didn't go straight home, we went to the arcade.

We entered and got our tokens.

"Alright, so where to?" Zach says, while his arm is now wrapped around my waist.

"Racing!" I said in excitement. He chuckles and we both went there.

We both sat it the seat, and Zach said, "I'll beat you, Taylor." He smirks.

"Pssh, please. I've been racing for like, when I was little."

He smirks, "Not for long."

Yeah, the more you brag, the more you lose.


"Ha! I told you, Carter!" I said in happiness.

I was 1st place while he was 3rd place.

He grumbled in his breathe and rolls his eyes.

"Fine, you won." He pouts. "What's my prize?" Shit! Why did I say that?

He smirks, "Nothing." See, Sophia? Look what you did.

I pout and turned around to look away from him. But seconds later, he laughs, "Just kidding! You get this." He kisses my cheek and chuckle while wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

Did he just ... kiss my cheek?

Damn it, Sophia. You didn't feel it?

I blush and looked away.

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