How he wakes you up

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Louis: "Wake up you weiner!" He groans while hitting you with a pillow, but not too hard. "What do you want Louis?" You turn around and groan and rub your eyes and face him. "I just want someone to talk to, I'm bored out of my mind!" He chuckles. "Mmhm. That didn't mean you had to hit me with a pillow." You say with a huff. He pouts his lip and pulls you closer. "I'm sorry sweetheart." He says while kissing your forehead. "You can go back to sleep if you want.. I'll just go hang out with the boys." He says with a defeated sigh and goes to get up, until you grab his arm, that is. "No no, I want you right here!" You pull him back and he chuckles. "Thought so!"

Niall: "Babe!" He yells while jumping up and down on the bed. "I'm hungry!" He starts to toss pillows at you, and make grumbling noises to imitate his stomach. You go under the blankets and groan. "Then go get some food!" You sigh. He stops jumping then looks down at you. "I can't even cook! You make the best pancakes, nothing ever beats your blueberry ones! Pleaaase baby!" He makes his voice sound like a childs, and you cannot help but giggle. "Fine Horan." You get up and out of the bed, and before you know it, he is running down the stairs just like a child on Christmas morning.

Harry: He straddles your waist, and moves his hands up and down your side. "C'mon kitten.. When do you plan on getting up? I got business to take care of." Even though you are barely awake, you can feel a bulge being pressed against your lower region. "I will give you an amazing breakfast if you wake up." He winks and smirks, and you finally open your eyes and smirk. "What are we having this morning Styles?"

Liam: Liam always hated waking you up, because he felt as if he was disturbing you. He never wanted to disturb his sweetheart from her beauty sleep, but he was growing lonely. "Loki, come here." He called to your guises dog. He helped him onto the bed. "Help me wake up Mommy." He said with a devious smile. You were already awake, but you wanted to pretend to stay asleep to see what he was going to do. Loki runs over and starts to lick your face everywhere, making you giggle like crazy. So much for pretending to be asleep! "Loki! Stop!" You said between giggles and laughs. Liam pulls off Loki, and laughs too. "Good morning baby."

Zayn: "Wake up beautiful, an amazing day awaits you." Zayn whispered into your ear in a hushed, raspy voice. His nose grazes up and down your neck, leaving a trail that sends you shivers. "An amazing morning awaits you too if you would get up too if you get what I'm saying. He smirks, and starts to nibble at your neck. Your eyes start to flutter open, but you don't dare move since it feels good. He gives you a light lovebite, then looks up at you, his eyes full of lust, but happiness at the same time. "About time you woke up baby."

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