Your insecure pt 4 Zayn

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You were laying on your bed, chilling on your laptop. Zayn barged into the room with a bag.

"Whatcha got there babe?"

"Just something for my love."

He takes off his shoes and jacket, and opens up the bag. He pulls out a shoe box.

"Here," he hands it to you.

You put your laptop down and take the box.

"Aww babe! You didn't have to!"

"Yea I did! I love you! Now open it!"

You smile and do what he says.

"ZAYN! They're beautiful!" Your jaw was dropped in surprise. You hug him.

"Thank you so much babe!"

"Try them on Darlin'"

"Umm... Ok.."

You slowly put them on. And all they do is slide off.

"Looks like I got the wrong size, oh well. I will take them back and get the right size! That's all!"

"This is why I hate my feet. They're so small!" You start to kick your feet around in anger.

"Babe, they're so adorable though!"

"To you!" You cross your arms.

Zayn let's out a sigh. "If they weren't small, it wouldn't be as adorable when I do this.. He starts playing with your toes, and says, "This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home... This little piggy had roast beef, and this little piggy had none. And this little piggy cried WEE WEE WEE all the way home"

You were smiling without even realising it. Zayn was staring at you.

"Ok your right, they're adorable in some ways!"

"Good, you believe me!" He continues to play with your feet, and before you two go to bed, he gives them a nice massage.

I know it's stupid, LMFAO.

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