Argument w/Harry

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Harry: You're sitting on the couch, and Harry storms in the house, drops all of his luggage, and SLAMS the door. You look over at him and he looks absolutely furious. He mumbles something but you don't catch it. Finally you ask, "Baby what's wrong?" He gives you the most evil looking stare and replies, "WHAT'S WRONG? OOHH YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT'S WRONG." "No. I don't. Please tell me." Your starting to get nervous, but you don't understand why. Maybe his tone? His expression? He slams a magazine on the coffee table and mumbles in a quavering voice, "that's what's wrong." And walks upstairs. You get up, glance at him, then the magazine, and read the front cover. 'Looks like (Y'N) is cheating on Harry with Zayn!' And there was a picture of you two in the mall. What? How? Oh.. It was Perrie's birthday, and Zayn didn't know what to get her, so we went together. What's wrong with that? I got to explain. You ran upstairs and quietly approach the door. You knock gently and ask "Can I come in?" He sniffles and says "Whatever." He was crying? You walk in. "Can I explain?" He looks angry again... But you still stay calm. "Explain." And you do. You tell him about Perrie's birthday and how you and Zayn went to the mall, etc. He is absolutely calm now. He stands up, walks over to you, and says "I'm SO sorry I let this get to me. It won't happen again." You smile and he gives you a heart warming kiss. Your arms are wrapped around his neck and his are around your waist. You feel so secure now, it hurts. He looks up at you and strokes your hair and says "Wanna cuddle?"

***This is the only one so far. More to come for other boys too :)

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