Anniversary with Louis

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Louis: you and Louis have been together for about 2 years, and going on your third. Today was your anniversary so you both were going to do something special.. So Louis says anyways...

You were picking out an outfit to wear and having troubles doing so. So Super Louis came to the rescue and helped. He picked out a pair of jean shorts and a light blue tank top.

"Nice styling you got babe!"

"Oh it's nothing." You see him blush.

"C'mon! You really got talent!"

"Stahp c'mon!"

You run up to him and kiss him.

"Tomlinson you got talent, if you like it or not."


You giggle. You put on the outfit he picked out, put on a pair of white flip flops, the necklace Louis bought you, (a blue butterfly) and put your hair in a ponytail.

"Ready babe."

He finishes putting his shoes on and looks up saying "Rea-oh lord I do have talent!" He starts checking you out and you blush a little.

"Baaaabe...." You say looking down.

"Don't be insecure! Work that up-do!" (Totally uncalled for with the ponytail and work it!)

He's looking pretty hot himself. Even with stripes on.

You two arrive at a fairgrounds.

You get out of the car and Louis starts running. Of course, you have to follow.. "Lou!" You finally stop where he has stopped to catch your breath. You look up and see a beautiful picnic. "Lou! Did you set this up?"

"Is there something wrong? Because if you don't like I-" you shut him up by kissing him. "I love it. So what did you bring?" "Well, lots of carrots-" of course, you giggle.. "I'm serious! See!" He pulls out like 10 carrots. "Gosh you weren't kidding about a lot " he smiles. " I brung hoagies, (I say hoagies. I'm from Philly! You could say sub if you like haha) chips, and some juice." He is pointing everything out and you just stare at him. Don't listen to what he's saying, see what he's doing, or anything. Just stare. Apparently he noticed because he leaned in for a kiss. Of course you kissed back! Duh. He stops and says "I saw you staring at me.." "Sorry I just wa-" "it's okay, your cute when you do." You both smile and eat. You talk about random things, like how Niall tried eating a piece of paper, Harry found a cat, and so much more.

It was now night time, and you're kind of scared to be out at night. "Lou I think we should go home now, it's pretty late." "Not yet. You'll see why." All of the sudden a whole bunch of fireworks shoot across the sky in all different colors. Your jaw dropped in amazement, and you couldn't help but look up. Louis was staring and you and said "wait for it.." And slowly, "Will you Marry Me?" Was written on the sky. You look over at Louis and he is on one knee with a ring in his hand. "Yes!" You start crying. You jump on him before he can even try to get up and kiss him everywhere. Then, he starts to tickle you. You both stop and lay on your backs. "Happy anniversary." You tell him, "happy anniversary to you too sweetheart."

Ahhhh OMG. Sorry for the little side comments too lol!

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