I couldn't control my breathing or the noises that left my mouth. Her hair tickled my already highly sensitive skin and I was already feeling close to the edge. "Please," I growled, my body growing impatient.

Camila chuckled throatily as her head dipped lower, her tongue teasing the skin between crease of my pelvic area. My fingers clenched in her hair as she moved lower, gingerly taking my clit into her mouth, sucking slowly. "Oh sweet fuck," I moaned deep down. I could tell by the way her tongue moved, that she was simply just testing the 'waters'. It didn't take her long before her tongue slipped into me, replacing her fingers.

Camila groaned deeply, humming against my skin as she worked the muscle graciously inside me. I was all over the place when she finally pinned my hips to the bed and sucked hard on my clit, penetrating me with her fingers. I slammed my body up, riding out the extreme climatic sensation that was flowing thickly through my veins and muscles. I screamed her name, riding out the waves, panting and breathing heavily. Sweat dripped between us as she came up and kissed me soundly on the lips, whimpering as I bit her bottom lip, passionately kissing her.

We stayed like that for hours. Kissing, tasting, exploring, being Camila and Lauren. Or as Sofi would call us, Camren.

We made love until the sun rose through the windows and finally we fell asleep.

- - - -

"Lauren?!" I shot up in bed as I heard the horrific screech of my name.

"What?" I panicked and covered myself in case my psychotic cousin found us. I looked around desperately for the guy and only found my panicked stricken girlfriend frantically pulling on her track pants. "What are you doing?"

"I'm late!" Camila pulled at her hair and pointed to the alarm clock.


You call that sleeping in? It was a Saturday morning. There I was thinking she meant at least noon. Where the hell was my morning snuggles?

"You call that sleeping in?" I raised an eyebrow and pouted.

"Lauren!" Camila warned and threw on a shirt, gruffly grabbing her huge hockey bag. "Warm ups started fifteen minutes ago, I cannot believe we slept through the alarm."

Spastic Cabello was at it again. Pissed and sexy. Damn fine combination if you asked me.

"I'm sure they'll forgive you?" I smiled sweetly and patted the empty mattress beside me. "Come back to bed, please?"

Camila raised her eyebrow and snorted. "You think I'm going to miss a game over you?"

Well, why not?

"Um," I blushed and stood up, covering myself with the loose sheet that was kicked off by our feet in the heat of many moments. "I just wanted to see if you would."

Camila giggled and dropped her bag and wrapped her arms around my waist, kissing me softly. "If you want me too, I will." She pulled back and I could she was telling the truth.

I shook my head in a serious manner and pointed a finger at her. "You're too damn sexy on the ice to miss a game. When you get all pissed at another player, it really does things to me, you know, weird things." I cracked a grin and wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh yea?" Camila's coy smile always made me weak in the knees. Her fingers ran against my breastbone before it grasped the sheet and tugged it away from my body, cupping my breasts in her hands. "Why don't you take a shower and meet me in the locker room fifteen minutes after the game." She whispered hotly in my ear as she squeezed the warm flesh while punctuating her words. One last kiss, Camila winked at me, scratched behind her ear and was out the door, leaving me standing naked in the middle of the hotel room.

A smirk pulled at my lips before I let out a loud happy squeal. My friends would kill me back home if they knew exactly how hard I fell for Camila. As I've mentioned, I didn't do commitment. Take Ally for example. She was there for me emotionally and mentally, but I was a very sexual person and she wasn't putting out.

I felt differently now that I've met Camila. If she were in Ally's shoes, I couldn't even think about cheating on her. No, I was in love and I'd die in a heart beat for her.

When I got into the shower, I noticed a note taped to the tiled wall.

Order your favourite dish for breakfast. My game starts at 9:45am, I'll be looking for you.

I love you, Lauren Michelle Jauregui.


Your Cabello ox

I was hopelessly in love. I'd go back home a different woman who truly understood the meaning of commitment and love.

Only thing was, B.C. didn't feel like home anymore.

Camila was my home now.

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