💥Chapter 2: Fashionably Late💥

Start from the beginning

Cancer and Libra groaned exhausted enough from having ran around the room so much.

With aching legs, the girls made their way to their partners, who, in enjoyment of seeing their struggle, were smiling.

"Dicks..." Cancer and Libra muttered under their breaths.

"Now, we only have attack for small attacks. So please do not put your all into it. You may begin." Luna instructed.

Taurus and Scorpio's battle was heated. As soon as Taurus deflected an attack by Scorpio, Taurus threw and attack back. This continued on, niether opponent successfully attacking the other.

Cancer and Capricorn's battle was pretty pathetic, along with Libra and Aries, due to the girls weak shape the boys were able to successfully attack them. The boys, knowing they were too weak, only through light attacks, successfully blocking their tiresome attacks.

Virgo and Pisces battle was a close one. In the beginning, Pisces was winning, throwing attack after attack not ceasing for a second. But, while she was blocking his attack with a wall she thought. She remembered Luna's words. Think smarter not harder.

With that in mind she bent down behind her wall and places her palm on the ground focusing her energy in Pisces direction she sent a pulse of energy his direction making the ground rumble as if it was an earthquake.

"Woah!" She heard him shout before putting down her wall. There was Pisces on the floor, glare present in his face. Virgo smiled.

Leo and Aquarius's battle result came out the same way as Virgo and Pisces's. In the beginning, Leo was winning. But with the use of a tornado she was able to capture Leo's countless fire balls and sent it back to her. Leo's clothes, as well as Aquarius's clothes were both scorched in various places, as the battle ended.

Gemini and Sagittarius's battle was tight. Sagittarius wasn't just using her power carelessly, she strategized on the go, physically dodged Gemini's in coming attacks and Gemini did the same. However, as Sagittarius was dodging she slipped on water, making her fall flat on her butt. Gemini laughed, and given this opportunity, Gemini took it. He threw a gush of wind her way blowing her a few feet away.

"Oh yeah!" Gemini exclaimed, proud of himself.

"Okay, class is over. Since this is your first day here, Headmaster wanted me to inform you that the rest of the day is yours to spend." Luna informed the Zodiacs.

"Uh... why exactly?" Virgo asks in confusion.

"Why are you asking why, it's a free day, just take it and walk away. I swear you heroes are insane sometimes." Taurus scoffs.

"Headmaster Orion honestly forgot to plan the rest of the day ahead. For everyone, so the today's school day is only one period. He suggests you spend time with your dorm, you know, since you need to tolerate them eventually." Luna said cracking her neck.

"Uhh... hang with rotten villians? No thank you." Aries said with a shake of his head. The rest of the Heroes nodded in agreement.

"Hang with these stuck up heroes? Hell to the no." Leo shakes her head no rapidly, the rest of the villians followed in suit.

Luna sighs, "Look, sooner or later you need to learn to at the very least tolerate each other. So starting now is the best time to start. Plus, you didn't hear if from me but Orion is planning a trip."

"What kind of trip exactly?" Aquarius asks.

"It's not my place to tell. But... just know, you and someone else in this room will need to learn how to work with each other." Luna adds.

"I hope my partner is Virgo or Aqua, we work great with eachother." Sagittarius sighed.

"I don't think we're going split up as hero or hero, villian and villian, red head, knowing Headmaster Orion he's probably splitting us up as Hero and Villian." Gemini interjects.

"Stop calling me red head, it's Sagittarius, Sag-it-tar-ius. Get that threw your thick skull." Sagittarius replies in annoyance.

"Oh, I know your name, I just like the name red head, red head." He smirks.

Sagittarius eyes grows wide, she would be attacking the amused Gemini if Scorpio didn't hold her back in time.

"For a hero, you sure don't have much patience." Pisces comments.

"Oh shut up." Sagittarius spats crossing her arm. Sagittarius, herself, knew she wasn't the most patient hero, she had a fiery personality, it was natural.

"Well, I'm taking my leave, I have sleep to catch on. It's up to you all if you take my advice or not. Later newbies." Luna says walking out.

The room fell silent as the Heroes and Villians lined up facing eachother, as if they were about to break into a dance battle.

"How about we head out?" Capricorn suggests.

"Where? Ya'll better not say the park." Cancer replied.

"Let's go watch a movie." Virgo throws out.

"How are we suppose to bond over a movie?" Taurus asks.

"Uh... we can talk about it?" Virgo adds on.

"Yeah... next idea." Libra said dismissing Virgo's idea.

"Well, I read online about-" Aquarius began before being rudely cut off by Leo.

"Next!" She shouts.

"You didn't even hear my idea." Aquarius glared.

"Anything you suggest, is bound to be a bad idea." Leo taunts.

Aquarius glared, she was never the one who liked to get into altercations, drama was not her thing. Instead of reacting like Sagittarius would do, she just continued to glare, not saying a word.

"Leo, stop messing with the girl." Pisces said with a slight shake of his head.

"Please, the only reason you're defending her is because you want to screw her." Leo says with the roll of her eyes.

Aquarius's eyes dilated to twice it's size with Leo's comment.

"-and because the idea might actually be good." Pisces added, not denying the statement, which bewildered Aquarius even more.

"I would totally do Sagittarius, I like a girl with a fiery attitude." Gemini winks. Now it was Sagittarius's time to dilate.

"Oh? We're playing the bang game now? Hmm I'd bang Scorpio. He's cute." Libra winks.

Scorpio nervously rubs the back of his neck.

"My choice is Ar-" Cancer began before getting cut short by Capricorn.

"-can we not talk about who wants to screw who? We just met eachother for goodness sakes." Capricorn said in exasperation.

"He must be a virgin." Libra said to Cancer, loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"Totally." Cancer agrees.

The Villians laugh, along with the Heroes, well, besides Virgo. She was looking down at her hands.

Capricorn rolled his eyes,"Aqua, what was your idea?"

Aquarius shook her head to shake the weird feeling off of her from before, "Well, I read online that a new lazer tag arena opened up a few miles from here."

"Hmm would you look at that. You're not as boring as you look." Leo laughed.

"Leo, you're terrible." Taurus laughs.

"I know," Leo smiles, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go."

Chapter 2 is done! A lot of ships sailed, well sorta sailed, well they were pushed a bit at the very least.

Soon the Zodiacs will have to go through challenges in order to get privileges, so do you have any challenges you would like to suggest?

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☁Z.White Up, Up and Away!☁

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