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The Great War just ended. Who would have thought it possible? It seemed like never-ending. When a four-year-war finally ends one is pushed to think: there must be a way to reach Utopia; to reach the unthinkable perfect world. There must be a way to bring peace to the world.

This is the kind of thought that never holds, it's simpler to reject its possibility. The world is the way it is and there's nothing that can be done about it.


After the war, two distinct parties rose to power, both of them had the same goal in mind, avoid another war. Yet no matter how similar their objective was the steps each deemed necessary to attain it conflicted.

The Logos party believed emotions were to blame for war. That with reasonable facts and globally shared accurate information, the world would finally understand and accept differences, thus be rid of conflicts.

The Pathos party believed miscommunication and manipulation of facts were the foundation for wars. That emotions and extinct should not be continuously repressed, especially not in situation of uncertainty and conflicts. Rather, the world should follow empathy and compassion, essential to avoid war.

The parties argued for years and inevitably brought the world to another war.


There was a rumor of a war once, but the idea of a war is rather unrealistic. The world seems always at peace. Conflicts are very rare, and when they do arise, they're easily resolved.

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