Cass and Riker

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            "RIKER!!!!!! STOP IT TICKLES", I yelled at my boyfriend of 5 months. He was pinning me to the ground, and tickling my stomach."That's the whole point!" he said giggling. His giggle is soooooooooooooooo cute. I was in a fit of laughter. I started to cry I was laughing so much. "RIKER!!!!!!!!", I yelled again. "What's the magic word?" he asked. "I DON'T KNOW!!",I replied," ORANGES!!!!!HOBBIT FEET!!!!!". He laughed at my attempts. "If you dont stop I'll never kiss or hug you again!" I said. he imedently stopped. "That is not a world I want to live in." he said with a dead serious face. "Me neither.", I said then lightly pecking his lips.


Sorry it's so short Cass! I hope ya liked it.-Jasmyne

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