Alexis and RyRy Part 2

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A/N:Sorry Alexis. I haven't updated as much. I've just been dealing with MAJOR depression.


             "Hello!",they said in sync. "Ummmmmmmmmm.........Hi.",is all I could say. they were all so hott!!!! One was espicaly cute. He had brown eyes and brown hair. He met my stair. He smiled and then I blushed. His face is so perfect.I thought to my self. "Thanks,"He said. "Did I say that out loud?!?!?!?!?"I asked. 'Yes.",Rydel said.The boy said,"My names Ryland. But you can call me RyRy.". We all went outside. "Wanna play football?",the tallest boy said. "Nah. I  am more of a book worm.",I replied. "Okay.",He replied. About 20 minutes passed and found myself stairing at Ryland more and more. He sat next to Me. He was 2 inches away!!!!I could see the sweat dripping down his face. His breathing was heavy(A/N:This sounds dirty. That's not where It's going though)."Alexis,Will you go out with me?",He asked. "Ummmmmmmmmmmmm.......……………………………sure.",I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2014 ⏰

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