One Familiar Stranger

Start from the beginning

A lump formed in her throat and her chest constricted, but she could not gather the strength to move. So many emotions swirled through her body that she could not even understand what they were; fear? Joy? Nerves? Peace? Relief? How many times had she stared in to his eyes when she was nothing but a baby? For how long had her own eyes absently longed to stare into such familiar comfort without ever being able to remember it existed?

Suddenly a place inside of her she had not known was void before felt complete, and she instantly knew it had not entirely being empty, but forgotten; it was their bond, weak and almost inexistent, but it had never broken; it simply had never grown. She could already feel the silver shimmer of unshed tears starting to blur her vision, and she was abruptly angry at herself for once again not being able to control her emotions from showing.

She saw the Elven King suddenly take a step forward, eyes quickly narrowing in worry and alarm, but then stopped in place, seeming to hesitate whether or not his approach would be well received. But it was too late. The moment he moved she felt as if her body had suddenly snapped awake from its frozen daze. She felt her feet rushing forward, out of natural instinct rather than reason. But on what reason would she act at that moment? Her mind was a hurricane of incoherent thoughts, a tornado of unnamed emotions.

Her movement seemed to answer his doubts and he too moved forward, reaching her just in time as she threw her arms around his middle, crystal tears already rolling down her cheeks. A pair of strong arms wrapped tightly around her, and she felt so safe, so protected. She felt at home. Everything about the embrace was so familiar, and yet so new. She did not remember his face, did not remember his voice, but she remembered his presence. More tears slid shamelessly down her cheeks as she opened her mouth to take a steadying breath, only for a chocked sob to escape out of it as a result. She pressed her face against his formal robes, the feeling of the fine silver embroidery on her cheeks resulting more comforting than she had ever imagined. Even his sweet scent felt familiar to her, and she felt like an elfling. But then again, that was exactly was she was at that moment: an elfling in the arms of her father.

"My Almarëa" She heard him whisper in between her uncontrolled sobs. His arms held her so tight against him, as if they longed to make up for every second of all the long years. She felt his fingers softly sliding through her hair, stroking the back of her head in they way in which one comforts a small child. "Welcome home, my little Almarëa"

Elerrina opened her mouth to say something, but failed miserably as yet another sob echoed from her throat. She was crying hysterically now, her tears soaking the fine fabric of his robes, but the King did not seem to care. His hold did not lessen; it only tightened as he kept whispering her name to himself over and over again.

She felt him pull away form her slightly, one hand gently lifting her chin to look into her face and she let her eyes pierce into his once more, more tears racing down her cheeks at the comforting familiarity in his gaze. The silvery shimmer of unshed tears glazed his eyes, so deep and familiar.

"My Almarëa" He repeated, as if he needed to say it a thousand times to actually believe it. His thumb softly brushed away the tears from her cheeks, but it was useless, they flowed like streams down her face every time she blinked.

She felt the Elven King guide her to an elegant couch inside the large room, softly pushing her down to sit before sitting next to her. His arms remained wrapped around her shaking body, cradling her like a child...his child. It felt so comforting, so natural to simply be held in this elf's arms, and at the same time so strange and new.

Long moments passed as she struggled to steady her breathing from the sobs that wracked her body, and he simply sat there, patiently waiting. She let her eyes scan the room, lost at the care that had seemed to be imbedded in every detail, every object so delicate and elegant that it almost made her feel intimidated. Everything about the room was strange; everything about the palace was strange. But strangest of it all was the elf sitting beside her. He was so familiar, and yet she did not know him at all, did not know anything about this powerful, respected figure.

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