Unfortunately, I don't think 'Zayn dumped my best friend', would suffice as an excuse in the grand scheme of things.

Alex isn't having any of it. Adamant that he should go and 'rip Zayn's head off', he tries to get past me and go back into the school to find him, earning a lot of confused looks from the other students hanging around. It takes a lot of convincing for him to cool down. They are friends and I don't want to be the reason that is ruined. Even if I do want to see Alex kick Zayn's face. He walks me all the way home telling me that I'm better off without him and that it's his loss, but I still feel like rubbish.

Zayn was the first real boyfriend I'd ever had. The whole break-up feeling is killing me. I'd never understood girls who got all sad over boys but now I actually feel the same pain, I completely understand. It is so... weird and... disgusting. I hate it.

When I get home, I change out of my uniform into my pyjamas, grab a tub of Ben And Jerry ice-cream and play a movie called What A Girl Wants. Seeing as I am feeling such a bad ache, I figure maybe doing the typical movie and ice-cream combo would work. I don't even pick a sad movie to watch, but I just can't stop crying.

Urgh, men are trash.

When the movie ends, I'm three-quarters of the way down the tub of ice cream. I put the tub on the sofa and take my phone off charge. Unlocking it, I stare at my home screen, a picture of Zayn and me. Furiously wiping away some treacherous tears, I change the background to a picture of a flower. I swipe down on the screen to check my notifications.

Here we go.

Babe, you okay? Please ring me.

He hasn't been treating you right for a while babe, you're so much better off without him.

We heard what happened Pez but he was never right for you and you could do so much better.

Do you want me to go throw eggs at his house because I will if it will make you feel better?

You okay?

I'd honestly kill him if you'd let me. I just want to tell you that you could do so much better than him. Just know I'm here for you, princess. Love you.

Reading Alex's message makes me smile. Ignoring it, I tap out a reply:

Love you too x

Noticing a message from Zayn, I open it eagerly thinking that maybe he was going to take back what he said. Loads of people agree to be friends after a breakup but no-one ever does. I highly doubt people text their ex-girlfriends, hours after ending it too, so maybe he's having second thoughts.

Z - Hey, can we talk?

Yeah? I replied, curious as to what he's going to say. Maybe he wants to get back with me. Maybe this whole situation has been a mistake and he regrets letting me go.

Z - Well, I basically fancy Gigi, but I know you're friends. So, would you be okay with me asking her out?

Say what?

Is this guy for real? It hasn't even been a day, what's wrong with him!?

P - Why are you asking me?

Z - Because you two are best friends and she definitely won't be with me if you're not okay with it because of your friendship.

Oh. Of course. I actually can't believe the nerve on this boy. It hurt so bad I honestly feel like someone just stuck a blade through my heart. I didn't think it could get any worse but Zayn seems set on breaking every little piece of my heart until it's utterly broken and completely unfixable.

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