Chapter Twenty~ Adrian

Start from the beginning

"-someone needs to," Adrian said, holding the phone against his ear with his shoulder as he applied his perfectly thick eyeliner. "And boy, if I look like this someone is going to want to".

He was wearing tight black pants with rips down the thighs and a translucent white shirt that would hide little and do nothing to shield him from wind. 

"Where are you even going to go?" Helen asked and Adrian grinned to himself, sliding into his favorite pair of purple converse and leaning forward to tie them.

"I heard that The Golden Quarter lets in high school students on the weekends," it was saturday, and he was a high schooler. There really was no problem seen there. " I figured I'd try there".

"And what if you can't get in," Helen asked, and Adrian shrugged to himself. He wasn't too worried about it based on how he was dressed.

"I don't care". When he was finished lacing his shoes he went and locked his bedroom door. This was amusing to him, since he knew that his parents wouldn't even care that he was leaving and wouldn't bother to check his room anyways. "I need to climb out of my window, Helen, so I'm going to go". He hung up on her before she could respond and shoved his phone into his back pocket.

The climb was one that he hadn't done in years (since him and Helen used to sneak out to go play ghosts in the graveyard with the neighborhood kids back in elementary when his parents cared about whether or not he was abducted in the night) and Adrian found he was a little rusty with his tree climbing abilities. He got half way down, and was just thinking about how it wasn't that bad when his pants got caught on a branch and tore even more. He fell the rest of the way down, but miraculously landed on his feet.

On inspection of his pants, they didn't actually look that different, just a bit sluttier yet, not that he minded at all, and he still deemed himself suitable to continue.

It wasn't a long walk to the bar, about as far from his house as the school was, and he found himself arriving at the shady brick building only fifteen minutes later. He shook with nerves at the sight of a rather large man standing by the entrance, but he approached anyways.

The man looked extremely amused the second his eyes landed on him. "You're way too young to be here," he said with a deep voice and Adrian was almost so scared that he turned and ran away. But he wanted to get inside, desperately. He needed to find a different man, someone who wasn't Ezra, to make him forget.

"I just need to get in for tonight," he said, trying to move past the man who quickly caught his shoulder.

"Fuck no," he said, "I'm not about to get arrested for giving a minor use to alcohol-"

"James," a cocky voice interrupted and Adrian turned quickly, his eyes landing on the extremely attractive boy who was walking down the sidewalk towards them. When he got there, he looked down at Adrian, his eyes flashing with interest and amusement and something else and he slid an arm around his waist tightly, pulling Adrian against him. "He's with me".

Adrian was looking up at this beautiful boy in wonder. His dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes were so much unlike Ezra, but also so attractive, that Adrian could easily find himself forgetting the boy who had broken his heart just by looking up at him.

"Caleb Higgins," James growled, "I'm not even supposed to be letting you in. If even more underage kids start showing up I'll lose my job". The man eyed Adrian. "At least you look twenty one. He looks like a fourth grader".

"Just this once," the boy, Caleb, said, noticing Adrian staring and looking down at him with a smirk. He was so tall. The man in front of the door looked very uneasy about this, and Caleb reassured him with a soft, "James".

Things I Hate About Adrian Vang (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now