Chapter Fourteen~ Adrian

Start from the beginning

Adrian said the words that he had been repeating to himself since saturday night, and saying them to her made them feel even more true. "I think I'm maybe in love with him, El".

His best friend's eyebrows shot up and her mouth parted in surprise. "I-" she cut off, blinking her wide eyes owlishly. "How long has this been going on?"

Adrian didn't want to tell her. It had only been two weeks since Adrian had been instructed to tutor Ezra, but that was all the time it had taken for him to develop these deep feelings. He was afraid that if he told Helen that it had only been that long, she would dismiss his emotions as a little crush, and this most definitely was more than that.

"Not long, Helen. But I know. I know that this is something," he begged her to understand, and was surprised yet again by her as she smiled thoughtfully and nodded.

"I believe you, Dri. I haven't seen you happy, in this way, ever before. I know my best friend". He felt immediately relieved, and it must have shown on his face because she laughed. "Stop freaking out, dork. I'm gonna get to class". She kissed his forehead before she left, and Adrian sighed loudly, watching her go. Yes. Helen was a bitch, but she was the most caring and understanding bitch that Adrian had ever met.

The language arts room was full when he arrived, and Ezra turned to look at him. How they were supposed to act around each other in public was a topic that had yet to be discussed, and it all came down to this moment.

Ezra grinned and stood from his desk, walking through the row and sitting next to Adrian, leaning towards him to talk. "Hey sugar," he said, winking, and Adrian felt his face heat and wondered how this beautiful boy was able to get this reaction from him.

"Ezra," he breathed on an exhale, and the boy next to him grinned, delighted to hear his name coming from the other's lips. Adrian's heart fluttered, and he cursed it.

"Can we go to my house after school?" the older asked, eyeing Adrian's figure before grinning at him. "To study, of course". He hadn't asked if they were going to, he just asked if they could go to his house when they did. Was it so obvious that Adrian wouldn't say no to him?

"We may," Adrian said, and Ezra's eyes, which had chosen to be blue today, flashed mischievously. "Will your parents be home?" He tried not to sound hopeful, but knew he failed. Luckily, Ezra seemed oblivious to this, or was pretending to be, because he simply pressed his lips together and said:

"Nope". He stood then, trailing a finger up Adrian's arm as he moved to go back to his seat. Another flutter. Damnnit.


Adrian liked to practice in the room that he had been fucked in, due to all of the fond memories he had of himself on that bench. This only caused some trouble, because the room, and that bench, happened to belong to Osmond's favorite piano, though this problem was easily solved when Adrian pouted at the boy and asked him if he could please use the room just this once.

Osmond had cursed him, but went into a different practice room and played the out of tune piano there.

Though Adrian thought the discussion was over, Osmond asked him about it as they both packed up to go.

The freshman was leaning in the door of the practice room that Adrian had left moments before, and he looked particularly beautiful then, but of course Adrian didn't say this. Leading the boy on was an idea he wasn't fond of. Even though he didn't have those kinds of feelings for Oz, he didn't want to hurt the boy. And even though he didn't like to talk about his past, Adrian understood that Osmond had been hurt enough before.

"Why'd you want the room?" he asked softly, and Adrian looked up from where he was standing in front of his locker, his fingers pausing on the door before swinging it closed at turning to Oz.

Things I Hate About Adrian Vang (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now