Chapter Six: Gateway

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"Why...are you running away?"

I gasped and halted. That voice. I know that voice! I turned with caution and came face to face with a young girl. Her long silver hair was braided in an updo and her eyes were fixed on me, glinting in the moonlight. 

"Yomi..." I whispered her name, looking aghast at her sudden appearance. It's been awhile since I saw her. Yes, it all happened when I reached the entrance of the school. Today was just like any normal day. Well, that was what I thought until I saw something glinting at the roof of the school. My eyes widened. I couldn't apprehend what I'd just saw. Without further ado, my legs were taking me towards the direction of the stairs and I climbed all the way to the rooftop. 

I slammed the door open, trying to catch my breath and speaking at the same time. "What the hell are you doing? Get away from the edge! If something's troubling you, you can talk it out with me." I gasped, clutching at my knees; all the while staring at her.

The girl turned. Her long silver hair floated around her as the wind ruffled it. Her long white gown were stained with what looked like blood. I hadn't noticed it earlier but right now, there are more important things to think of. A girl is about to commit suicide and I can't let my mind wander to blood. I stuck out my hand and implored her to calm down and think things through. She stared at me with quiet and dull eyes. Without a word, she got down and headed straight for me. I stared at her, completely dumbfounded. Did I just managed to save her? Wow, I'd never thought that it would be this easy.

She approached me and reached out to stroke my cheeks. Wait, what? She caressed me as she spoke. "Do you see how the afterlife looks like?" She whispered. I was frozen to the spot, unable to move or speak. Her tone suggests a hint of darkness and all of a sudden, I get the feeling that maybe all of this is just pretense. With a faint smile on her lips, she pushed me away and exited the rooftop. 

I stared at the girl in front of me. That's right. There's no mistaken that she's Yomi. Our first encounter has led to another encounter but strangely, I never saw her after that. Now that she has appeared before me again, I needed some answers of my own. "Yomi, what you said the other day...regarding yourself. Is it true?"

"What did...I say?" She whispered innocently. I could have sworn her eyes twinkled as she said those words. 

"You're Yomi-no-kuni, gateway to the afterlife. If so, then why are you here in this world? Are you trying to bring humans back with you to the afterlife? Is" 

"Ah...that. Yes, I'm Yomi-no-kuni. You can enter the afterlife through me." She paused for awhile before continuing. "Weren't you the one who summoned me?"

I was taken aback by her reply. That's not what I expected to hear. 

"Torii, are you sure you've nothing you want to accomplish?" Yomi asked all of a sudden. 

"What?" I frowned, staring at her.

"Like for instance, meeting a lost love." She replied.

"I haven't lost anyone! Don't just spout nonsense." I said, indignantly. My reply made her laughed. She took a step forward and flew straight into my chest. Our faces were only inches away. Her eyes turned cold and dark. 

"Don't tell me you've forgotten!" She hissed. As I stared into her eyes, a fuzzy memory came into my mind. It can't be!

I fell to the ground and Yomi released her grip on me. She took a step backwards and surveyed me. I stared at my hands and slowly back to her. "I...was the one who summoned you." She gave a small nod. Slowly, I got up and reached out towards her. I felt a strange sensation coursing through my veins. How could I forget something important like this? How could I ever abandon her? My fingers elongated and my nails turned into sharp talons. Yomi didn't flinch when she saw this. 

"All...for your sake." She whispered, clutching my hand and bringing it closer to her chest. My mind turned blank. There's only one goal I could focus on. Who the hell am I? I pushed and my hand tore through her chest. Blood was scattered everywhere as a faint light appeared. I ripped her body apart and allowed light to envelop me.

My feet came into contact with soft flowers. The hall was covered in flowers and at the very center, lay a beautiful girl. I knelt down and stroked her face. "Enma...I've fulfilled my promise." I spoke in a voice which was different from my usual one. Why is this happening? My hands were moving on their own. I picked Enma up and cradled her against my chest. In an instance, her eyes fluttered open and she gazed up at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

" came." She whispered. Kurai? That's name. She reached up and began stroking my cheeks. "Thank you. Finally, I'm able to see you again."

I wanted to voice out as myself and not as this Kurai but I'm unable to do so. It's like there's another person in me who has taken control. "Enma..." Before I could say anything more, the world was ripped apart. As we were separated, Enma reached out with tears running down her cheeks. I/Kurai made an effort to get back to her but she was already beyond reach.


I came to and sat up in a bolt. I turned and found Yomi kneeling beside me. The wound on her chest was almost healing but it's still dripping blood. Her expression was slightly twisted in pain. I pressed a hand to my forehead. I felt something disappearing inside of me. "Torii, as you've already seen, Kurai is you in the past."

"Was I...the one who did that to you?" I whispered, glancing at her wound. She looked down for a brief moment before turning to me.

"Kurai...wanted to meet his lost love for one last time so he summoned me. However, before he could carry it out, he was killed by the thunder god. His dying wish was reborn in you. As Kurai and you are one and the same, both of you have similar wishes. Now that everything is over, you can live your life in peace." She said this with a smile and got up. "With that, my task is over. You have no need for me any longer."

"Wait, where are you going?" I called out, scrambling to my feet.

"To another person who needs me." 

"So you're going to continue suffering with that wound all the time?" I demanded. "Isn't there a way to not be who you are now?"

She was silent for awhile. Eventually, she spoke but this time, her tone sounded a little wistful. "If I'm separated from my job as gateway, I will cease to exist because I'm the manifestation of the gateway to the afterlife, Yomi-no-kuni." With that, she walked away into the night. 

I never saw her again. Whenever I wanted some fresh air, I would always sit on the exact same spot she's in when we first met. It seems that Kurai was able to finally rest in peace. What a strange encounter. It almost felt like a fairytale but more towards the dark side. I wonder if I'll see Yomi again. I know that she's still roaming the earth somewhere, carrying out her duties. The bell rang and I sighed. Back to that boring classroom again. As I got up, I noticed something glinting a few meters away.

I felt tears pricking in my eyes. Why am I tearing up? It's not tears of sadness; more like tears of happiness. Certainly, miracles really do exist.


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