Chapter One: Stalker (Part One)

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Walking through halls is easy but avoiding people is not. My pace quickened and my pulse rate began to increase abnormally; I think dropping unconsciously down on the ground is better than speed-walking! At the corner of my eye, I spied a stair just a few metres away. Alright, this is my chance! I swerved to the right immediately and raced up the stairs. I didn't look back even once. Slamming the door to the rooftop open, I closed it tightly behind me and breathed a sigh of relief. My legs gave way and I sank to the ground, trying to catch my breath. I think I just lost her! My lips widened into a smile but in just mere seconds, my victory was short-lived.

The door flew open and I jumped up in response. I can't believe what I'd just seen and my heart sank. All those wasted efforts for nothing! I scowled at the person standing in front of me. Her hair swayed in the wind and her lips were curved into a playful smile. "What's this? Playing a game of tag?" Her melodious and sweet voice filled the air. I've heard enough of that sickeningly sweet voice; I could actually puke anytime now.

"What's with you?" I spat my words out in frustration and anger. My patience has reached its limits and I'm now officially a ticking time bomb. Oh, you might not know what this is all about. Let me rewind time for you and you can see for yourself, the events which leads to this. I assure you, it's not a pleasant one and will never be...or is that so?

Summer was always filled with the cries of cicadas. Some may find them annoying but I don't. I mean, I've been listening to them for years, I've become immune to them. I trudged up the stairs, feeling hot and sweaty from the heat. "Yo, Himura! Fancy seeing you here. I never would have thought you'll skip P.E." Fukuba said, grinning from ear to ear as he snuck out as usual with his group of friends to spend their time in the infirmary. I never understood what's so great about that place though.

I waved back casually and turned my back on them as they disappeared around a corner. I don't think I'm in any shape for sports so I'll just go and have some quiet time alone at the rooftop. Just when I thought I'm finally in my oasis, a voice spoke from above me. I opened an eye, irritated. A girl smiled down at me, her brown hair cascading over her shoulders. "Hey, Himura-kun? Skipping P.E. class again? You're always like that when it comes to summer!" She chuckled amusingly.

My eyes widened when I caught sight of her face. I immediately got to my feet and backed away disbelievingly. "What? Matasaki-san?" I stammered. Didn't she just pass away last month? I was even forced to attend her funeral and that bores me to death! I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, hoping that this is just one of my delusions but apparently, it's not.

She pouted a little and crossed her arms over her chest, looking slightly offended. "You're so rude, Himura-kun! What's with that kind of expression?" She fixed her gaze on me, awaiting my reply.

I swallowed hard and inched towards the door, while speaking cheerfully to try and distract her as I head for my escape. "Ah, well. It's just...a surprise. Fancy meeting you here, Matasaki-san! Well, you see. I'm in dire need for the toilet so if you would please excuse me!" My fingers brushed against the cool knob and I instantly grab hold of it. There was surprise on her face when I slammed the door on her. I made my way to the classroom, mind reeling with endless possibilities. How on Earth did she get here? Why is she even here? Isn't she supposed to be in Heaven or somewhere?

Sighing to myself, I slid the door to the classroom open. There were voices inside so I'm guessing that some of the students have already gotten back to class. As soon as I took a step forward, I could hear that familiar voice again. I shouted in surprise when Matasaki-san whispered in my ear. All eyes were instantly on me. No one seems to have noticed her as I head straight for my desk, hanging my head in embarrassment at my sudden outburst. The conversations in the class resumed as I took my seat. Matasaki-san had followed me right up to my desk with that same bright smile on her face. I frowned at her, clearly irritated now. "Why the Hell are you following me? Cut it out already!" I muttered, controlling my tone so that I won't look like an idiot conversing with myself.

Matasaki-san dropped her gaze and for a short while, I could see sadness cross her pretty face. However, her smile snapped back on again as if nothing had happened. "Why?" Her eyes bore a rather dreamy look in them when she continued. "Well, that's because I love you, Himura-kun!" Her words left me speechless and I was too shocked to reply. She stared eagerly at me, awaiting my reply but Fukuba saved me. He sauntered over with his usual lopsided grin and patted my shoulder firmly.

"Himura, want to join us for karaoke today?" He asked cheerfully, completely oblivious to Matasaki-san's presence. She glanced at him with an unreadable expression as she watched the both of us converse and I've to admit, it's pretty creepy! I smiled sheepishly at Fukuba and accepted his offer. His eyes brightened even more. "Right, I'll meet you I front of the school gates! Don't be late or we'll leave without you. Bye!" He waved and ran out of the class just right before a teacher entered.

When Matasaki-san spotted the teacher, she exclaimed in delight. "Hey, Himura-kun! Isn't that our former class teacher? She was the one who asked us to help her after school and I agreed because I could be near you! Ah, those nostalgic days!" My mood began to worsen more and more, the longer she speaks. As she rattled on about the past, I stared at the board, taking down notes all the while fuming inside. At last, school's over but unfortunately, Matasaki-san's one-sided conversation's not. I stood up abruptly and went out of the classroom with Matasaki-san in tow.

I met Fukuba, Rina, Gasai, Tachibana, Gai and Kimi in front of the school gates. Matasaki-san was still calling out to me but I ignored her and ran after Rina, walking side-by-side with her while she entertained me with some conversation. Matasaki-san did not attempt to followed us and for this, I'm utterly grateful.

We had so much fun today! I slung my bag over my shoulder and waved goodbye to the group as we go separate ways. "Himura-kun?" Matasaki-san stopped me with a hand by tugging on my sleeve. Her voice was filled with cheerfulness and there was never a hint of sorrow. I stiffened when I heard her voice. I shook her away and growled.

"Stop following me already, damn it!" I stared at her, seething with anger. "I already made it clear! I don't love you so stop following me. Why can't you understand?" There was surprise on her face as she clasped her hands together. She fell silent and I turned my back on her, hoping that this would keep her away from me forever but I was mistaken. The next day and the following days were like living in Hell. I was forced to accept my fate. Thus, my new life started as a ghost stalker came into my life.

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