Chapter Three: The Violinist (Part One)

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Was I actually dreaming or was it actually real? The afternoon sunlight pierced through the windows, making the room brighter than usual. I slammed my hands on the bed and pushed myself up, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. This melody sounds like the one I used to play. Why did it appear here out of all places? Dragging myself off the bed, I staggered to the door with messy hair and half-asleep eyes. Hospitals really stinks! The hallway was empty. No nurses, doctors or crazed patients were seen. Smiling a little, I thanked my lucky stars. People often came rushing to me, asking for signatures and stuff, it's such a pain in the butt. I wasn't the person I used to be anymore.

As I rounded the corner, I noted that the sounds had increased. I suddenly had flashes of my last performance before losing consciousness. It's rather embarrassing to fall in front of all those people. The one playing in the music room was a boy who was way younger than me. He appeared to be still in his teens. But at the moment I lay eyes on him, I was instantly mesmerized. I was struck by how beautiful he is while he was playing. His eyes were closed and his body swayed a little as he was so into this piece. And here I thought I was the best violinist so far.

I took small and silent steps towards him. Strange! I couldn't tear my eyes off him. I didn't notice a bottle of water in front of me and accidentally kicked it over. I gasped and bent down, trying to stop the bottle from rolling away. The boy immediately stopped playing and opened his eyes. Our eyes met and I could've sworn that was the purest eyes I've ever seen. He laid his violin down and smiled uncertainly at me. "Um, well." I started, placing the bottle upright and got to my feet. "I-I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I just, well, you're so talented." Gosh, I suck at this. I bit my lip and wondered if he would think that I'm totally hopeless but he just laughed.

I stared at him, dumbfounded and unsure of how to react as he gave a hearty laugh. I discovered that I'm actually starting to become a little irritated because he just laughed with no apparent reason. "I'm sorry!" He finally said, wiping tears from his eyes. He came over to me and stuck out his hand, grinning as he introduced himself. "I'm Teichi. It's nice meeting you...Anna Cornfield." He whispered.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, awestruck. I reached out to grasp his hand and shook it firmly. "That knew..."

"Yeah. I loved this song. You're the one who performed this in Concerto." He pause for awhile before adding. "I was there." He whispered softly. He went over to the small wooden stage and sat down, beckoning me to join him. He patted the empty space beside him and gave me a knowing smile. I shrugged and took the offered seat.

"You must've seen it." I said quietly, turning pink all of a sudden when I was reminded of that embarrassing incident. "God, that was embarrassing!" I gasped, pressing both hands on my cheeks to calm down. He grinned and shook his head.

"I was surprised. So...that's how you actually ended up in the hospital? If I may ask, what's the cause to that blackout?" He said, packing his violin back into his brown case.

"The doctor said it's nothing to worry about." I started, unsure of whether I should tell him the truth. He looked so relieved and innocent, I decided that not telling him the truth would be the best. "I'll be discharged soon. Don't worry!" I faked an enthusiastic voice and gave him a thumbs-up.

"So...will you be performing again soon? I hope you do. My sister and I were fans of you. We had the full collection of your albums! Our favourite album is Lost Hope. Whenever I listen to those songs, it's as if I really had lost all available hope!" Teichi continued ranting as I grew more uncomfortable. He didn't sense my discomfort and continued to chatter away. "And so, I was wondering what-"

"Um, I use the bathroom for a bit." I cut in, standing up quickly. My breathing became shallow as I was reminded of my failed attempts at playing the violin. It was something that had happened a few days ago. I had just woken up and decided that I need to finish composing my next song but little had I known that nothing popped up in my head. I sort of like shut down all of a sudden. I was unable to rhyme with my violin. It was something I'd done so easily back then and yet...why?

I turned to leave but Teichi stopped me. He pulled me to turn and face him. He had a concerned look on his face as he realized that he'd talked too much. "I'm sorry. Did I offend you?"

"No!" My voice went an octave higher as those memories became more vivid. I thought I'd forgotten. "I-I really need to use the bathroom so please let me go!" I half-screamed. I tried to free my hand but he only gripped it tighter and demanded to know what's wrong.

"Is it related to your career?" He asked quietly. I stopped wriggling and stood still. He'd just hit the bulls eye. Minutes of silence passed by. Outside, we could hear children playing catch and singing nursery rhymes. He slowly released his grip and apologized. "I'm sorry. It must be something you don't want to talk about. I'm stupid for not realizing it earlier. I won't question you again  but if it's alright with you, can we be friends?"

"No, don't apologize." I finally said. "You're right. It's related to my career." I returned to my seat and hugged my knees to my chest. "I don't think I'll be able to play anymore. It's gone. Somehow, my ability to sync with the violin has disappeared. I can no longer compose new songs or play. I don't know...I don't know why. Don't hope for me anymore, Teichi. I'm just worthless crap right now." I admitted.

"No, you're not!" He whispered firmly. He reached out to make me face him and told me directly in the face. "You're not worthless crap. Don't give up this easily! You're not one to give up easily so right now, all you have to do is to try again and again! I might not be able to help much but I still want to. If that's okay with you, give me a chance to be by your side and help you play again. We can practice together or even have a duet!" He sounded so earnest I couldn't turn him down.

"But, I'll only be a burden to you." I whispered, glancing down at my hands. They were once the hands of a professional but it's different now.

"I'll make sure you'll be able to play again! I promise!" Teichi said, raising his hand to make a solemn vow. I couldn't help but laugh as he mimicked a character from a musical show. His face features relaxed when he noticed that I've become a little happier.

"Would you like some water?" He fumbled in his bag and produced a bottle of water and an apple. I raised an eyebrow questioningly while glaring at the rosy, red apple. "Well, just a little something I keep for an emergency. Come, help yourself! An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Taking some fruits may help you calm down." He explained, starting to sound a little philosophical.

I rolled my eyes but accepted them all the same. He watched me as I ate. Frowning, I face-palmed him and told him to look elsewhere. "Stop staring at me like that! You look just like a stalker."

"No, I just can't believe that I'll be able to meet with a famous violinist. I've to cherish this moment forever!" He sounded so dramatic, I just can't be mad at him for a long time. "I've always wanted to talk to you in person but I never got the chance. Guess I've to thank the gods for this miraculous encounter!"

"You're exaggerating! You made it sound like you've just seen an angel or mythical being." I grumbled, flicking my head indignantly. " seem to be pretty good with the violin. Were you actually planning to become a violinist in the future?"

"Yeah! I've always wanted to become one. I've seen many violinists perform, including you and wished to be like them. Music has been my passion ever since I was a child. All the movies and novels I like has music in them. You can say that I'm actually obsessed with music!" Teichi expressed his feelings so easily, I felt a little envious of him.

"I'm sure you'll be one in the future." I paused, wondering if I should say more but as soon as I opened my mouth, the bell rang. I got up hurriedly and thanked him for everything. "I should go now. They're calling me. So, um, I'll see you tomorrow. Same place, same spot if it's not...taken?" I asked uncertainly. He nodded.

"'re not sick, are you?" I paused at the door, turning back to glance at him sideways. He just smiled and shook his head.

"I...just felt like coming here because I get the feeling that this place holds tranquility. That's all."

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