Chapter Four: The Violinist (Part Two)

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"Hey, just in time!"

"Really? I thought I was actually late." I placed the violin on the stage and opened the case slowly. I still couldn't get over the fear of not being able to play or create music anymore. The event which happened a few days ago, were terrifying and I'd been trying my utmost best to keep it locked deep within the box. At that time, I thought I was a goner but after listening to Teichi's playing, I started to have a little confidence in myself.

Teichi's eyes widened when he saw my violin. "Hey, that's the newest modal I've always wanted! Lucky, you." He sounded a little wistful as he stared at the violin with longing eyes. Looks like he's a crazed violin fan like me too. I gave him a crooked smile and taunted him a little by stroking the violin. He rolled his eyes and looked away but he didn't look angry. "Alright, I get it! Now, stop doing that and let's begin. There's a song you played with Daniel Harper, right? Let's play that. Ah, what's the name of the song again?" He frowned, trying to recall the title of one of my masterpieces.

"Moonlit Night." I whispered, recalling those days I performed it with Daniel; one of my buddies. I was dressed in a long gown, violin ready and overlooking the crowd of people. Back then, I could still perform well. I could still remember the looks of the people in the crowd. They were shining with love as they stared at us and indulging themselves in the music.

"Yes, that's right! Now, I remember." He opened his case and took out a rather old violin. He plucked at the strings to show that it's still functioning well when I raised an eyebrow at his violin. "Don't give me that expression." He grumbled, readying his bow. "I spent two months learning it with my violin teacher. Of course, I went through hell. Damn, she just had to be that strict when it comes to your music. I don't understand why but it seems like she has a thing for you."

I laughed and waved a hand. "Is that so? Glad to know I've such a great fan!" I placed the bow shakily on the strings, taking a deep breath to calm myself down. Please, may everything go well. I prayed as hard as I could because I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of this young boy. I didn't want to appear unprofessional. I didn't really want to show him that I'm a failure. "Ready, Teichi? You sure you can make me play again?"

"If you would just calm down and focus on success, then everything should be alright. Just don't have any negative thoughts in your mind when you play." He said with a gentle smile. I rolled my eyes and began.

As the music filled the room, those unwanted memories were brought up. Sweat beaded at my forehead as I struggled to keep myself composed. Losing myself here will only be embarrassment. My eyes traveled to Teichi. His eyes were closed and there was a sort of peacefulness in his expression. He looked like he's enjoying himself very much.

The song was nearing its climax when all of a sudden, I felt a twinge of pain in my head. I let out a gasp and my part of the music faltered. My vision began blurring and I could not longer keep myself in my original position. I heard Teichi's voice calling out to me but...I couldn't make out those words. My world turned pitch black.


I awoke in a rather familiar room. As I struggled to get up, I noticed that I'm back in my own room and a nurse was standing beside me, arranging a bouquet of flowers in a vase. Standing across me was my manager. She evidently looked rather concerned as her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at me. I gave her a weak, reassuring smile as she strode towards me. "Are you alright? You blacked out and a boy had to carry you back. Whatever happened?"

The nurse left the room and shut the door quietly behind her, not daring to make too much noise. I sighed. "Just...wanted to practice."

"Practice? In this condition of yours? Oh, come on! Seriously? You have to take the condition of your health into consideration! You need lots of rest to get better. Otherwise, how are you going to fulfill your dreams of becoming a world-renowned musician?" She demanded.

I averted my gaze and muttered an apology. She sighed and continued. "Alright, I won't lecture anymore but promise me you'll rest properly for the whole day. There's a request for a performance in two weeks time and I want you to be ready for that."

With that, she left the room and I closed my eyes, pondering her words. Another performance? I'm not sure if I could do it. Taking a deep breath, I tried to stop the tears from flowing but in vain. I pressed my hands to my face and let out a soft sob.


A few days later, I met Teichi at our usual place. He looked grim as he stared at me. "Are you okay? You passed out the other day." He got up and crossed the room with long strides. There was concern written all over his face.

"Yeah, I'm better. Thanks! I just...felt dizzy the other day. That's all. Shall we continue? I've a performance coming up in two weeks time and I want to play well. Will you act as my companion for today's rehearsal?" I asked, getting my violin out.

His eyes brightened. "A performance? I'd love to go and see you play. Oh, I can't wait! Of course I'll help you practice!"

"Thank you!" I gave him a sweet smile. It's one I always have whenever I'm conversing with my manager or co-workers.

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