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Tori's POV

After Bellamy left I tried to keep my mind off him, I hated worrying, so I started sparring with some people. "You ready" I asked my third opponent, "should be asking yourself that" I rolled out my neck before going in to attack.

I ducked and span knocking him off his feet as he went to his my throat, he fell to the floor with a grunt and I quickly turned him over holding his arms behind his back, "ok, ok, I'm out" I let go of him a helped him up, "you're getting better" Lexa said walking up to me as the man walked away, "he was too easy, scrawny drunk man looking for something to do" Lexa chuckled and said, "I see, then why did you battle him," "why not" "Tori" I turned around and saw Liam walking up to me, "what's up big bro" "why are you always fighting, you're going to get hurt" "I need to train" "you've been training nonstop, just calm down, take a break," "no." Liam sighed and said, "Bellamy will be fine, and he wouldn't want you to worry about him," "I can't help it" "how bout we get you a drink, lighten you up."

Third person POV

After Bellamy heard there was going to be a missile sent to TonDC he had to make sure Tori and Octavia weren't there "Clarke, wait. Octavia was in Tondc when I left. Is... is she, um..." "She's here. She's safe." "Ok. Good, and Tori" "she's here too" "good, Be safe" "I will. "Octavia and Tori in Tondc for the meeting. Why'd you lie" "Bellamy can't be distracted. It helps no one." "Hey. Don't get blown up."

Tori's POV

After a few drinks I went to find Lexa, "where's Lexa" "with Clarke" "may I speak to them" Harmon stood there with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face, "persuade me" I rolled my eyes before taking out my sword and placing it to his neck, "no persuasion will be necessary, Tori come in" Lexa said, I smirked at Harmon before placing my sword back in its holder

"A missile? You're sure?" "Yes. We have to start evacuating now." "No. What do you mean no, Lexa?" "If we evacuate, they'll know we have a spy inside their walls." "Not necessarily." "We can't risk it." "Those are our people our there" "Tori-" "no, if you won't evacuate, I will." Before I could leave I was knocked out.

I woke up with a pounding headache and groaned, "the missile" I said standing up. I ran outside and said, "everyone, we need to evacuat-."

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