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Tori's POV

I sat in my cold cell chained to the wall for what seems like weeks, they wanted information, I wouldn't talk, I'm not letting anyone get hurt because of me. 

A woman in black walked in and said, "I am the commander" I stayed silent and glared at her, "I am here to make you a deal, you come to Polis with me and your torturing stops." I dropped my head and said, "I'm not leaving my friends" I heard her say something in a different language and then I felt a scolding blade get dragged across my leg. I scream earning a punch in the face. I spit out some blood and groaned leaning my head against the wall letting my hair fall away from my sweaty face.

"Stand up" I did as told and I was pushed out of my cell and landed face first.My vision was blurry, my eyes were heavy, my breathing was shallow, I could barely stand, "come on, we gotta get you out of here" the grounder said lifting me up, he placed a fur coat over me with a large hood "why are you helping me" I asked trying to focus on his face, "I don't know, I just hate seeing you get hurt." He place me no a horse then got on, "hold on." I did as told and we rode off.

Bellamy's POV

I was out looking for Charlotte when I heard something, it sounding like an animal running. I turned around and saw a man on a horse with a girl. He jumped down and helped the girl down, I pulled out my knife and he said, "I'm just trying to help" he took the girls hood off and I saw Tori. She was a cut up and bruised, she looked weak. I rushed over to her and and held her up, "what happened" "my people tortured her" "Tori" I turned around and saw Caden, "get her back to camp" I said handed her to him. He nodded and took her.

Tori's POV

I woke up in the dropship feeling like shit, "daddy" I turned around and saw a little girl walked into the dropship, "Bailey why aren't-" "so you're Bailey" I asked with a smile, she nodded and I smiled and squatted down, I winced at the pain in my leg but I ignored it. "Hi Bailey, I'm Tori" she smiled and jumped into my arms. I chuckled and hugged her back, when she pulled away she asked, "what happened" "nothing you need to worry about" "Tori" I looked up at Caden and he asked, "can you put her to bed" I smiled and said, "of course."

I carried her to the top floor of the drop ship and laid her in my makeshift bed, "why do you sleep in here and everyone has tents" "well I was gone when everyone made their tents so I get to sleep here." She nodded and said, "will you lay down with me" "um, duh" she giggled and I smiled as I laid down next to her. "So how does your daddy put you to bed" "he tells me stories" "I can do that." She giggled again and asked, "can you tell me about the space dungeon" I chuckled knowing what she was talking about, "of course."

"They space dungeon wasn't all bad, we could watch movies, play games, hang out with our friends and family, and look out into space. Up there you were surrounded by millions of stars, you could see the moon and sun whenever, you could see Earth, and a bunch of other planets." "What about the Sky box, daddy told me that were princess Tori went" "they sky box was terrible" I started, "they put you in a tiny cell with nothing but a  uncomfortable bed and small window, but princess Tori made the most out of it" what you think I'm gonna bore the kid with my daily routine. She yawned and I said, "should I continue" she nodded and I smiled. "She would dream about what Earth looked like and drew it on her walls, she would play catch with herself, and during lunch she met three amazing friends, Jasper the adventurous, Monty the Genius, and Octavia the brave." I looked down and saw she was fast asleep. I smiled and kissed her forehead before dozing off myself.

Third Person POV

"Hello Octavia the brave" Jasper said as Octavia came into the third floor, "what" "Tori was telling Bailey and bed time story and she was talking about her friends from the sky box, Jasper the handsome, Monty the genius, and Octavia the brave" "ok but what did she really call you" he chuckled and said, "Jasper the adventurous"  Octavia smiled at her friend who was cuddled up with Bailey, "she's so adorable" "which one" Jasper asked genuinely confused, Octavia chuckled and said, "both of them."

Bellamy stormed into camp pissed about what Murphy drove Charlotte to do, "Bellamy" he looked up and saw Caden, "what" "thank you for finding Tori" he just nodded and said, "yeah, where is she, is she ok" "she's fine, she's on the top floor-" Bellamy rushed to the dropship.

When he got to the top floor he saw Tori cuddled up with Bailey and smiled, "hello brother" I he jumped and turned around to see OCtavia and Jasper, "what-" "you so like her" Jasper said with a smirked, "I don-" "don't lie, it's obvious" "you guys are childish" "you're just saying that cause you know we're right."

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