Chapter 2

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Yuri smiled at Yunho who grinned as Dorian ran around playing football with Junsu who at that moment was being as competitive as Dorian even though Dorian was tweleve.

 “I swear sometimes Junsu has the personality of a twelve year old kid himself.” Yunho murmured as Lilith watched Junsu and Dorian play fighting.

 “should we stop them?” Yuri asked amusement visible in her eyes

 “Nah let them be!” Lilith said. Junsu stood up with Dorian grinning. They walked over and sat in a circle with the others.

 “You guys have grass stains on your clothes” Yuri groaned.

 “Why are you moaning?” Junsu asked,

“In case you forgot I wash your clothes considering Lilith doesn’t like washing clothes” Yuri said sighing.

 “Sorry.” Junsu said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

 “I’m bored!” Dorian whined.

 “you just played football! How can you be bored already?” Lilith asked.

 “I need something active!” Dorian said.

 “Fine” Yuri said grabbing a ball she threw it.

 “Fetch boy!” Yuri yelled.

 “I’m not a dog!” Dorian said.

 “Hey, it’s active” Yuri said shrugging. Yunho laughed as Yuri sat next to him and leaned against his shoulder

 “Hey she tried!” Yunho said. Junsu and Lilith laughed at Dorian’s face

 “You’re not good with children are you?” Dorian asked

 “Not really” Yuri said. Dorian pouted.

 “Lilith!!!” Yuri whined.

 “What?” Lilith asked as the boys chuckled at Yuri’s childish behaviour.

 “I’m hungry!!” Yuri moaned.

 “Fine let’s all eat!” Lilith said. Yuri and Junsu jumped up.

 “Thank you god for giving us someone with common sense!” Yuri yelled as they walked in Junsu looked at Lilith and noticed she was limping

 “Are you okay?” Junsu asked.

 “Me?” Lilith replied.

 “Yeah” Junsu said.

 “Why?” Lilith asked.

 “You’re limping, what happened to your leg?” Junsu asked

 ‘What do I say?’ Lilith thought looking at Yuri who noticed the pleading look in her eyesm

 “She fell out of a tree when we were messing around yesterday!” Yuri said quickly. Dorian and Yunho looked at each other.

 “Okay?” Yunho said. Junsu dropped the subject but kept a close eye on Lilith as they laughed watching vampire diaries.

 Dorian snuck out of the back door and ran out into the dark, lonely, cold streets. He shivered as the wind blew his hair about. He looked around and saw men coming from every direction. He backed away they smirked.

 “Don’t worry little boy we won’t hurt you…much…” a man said grinning. Dorian panicked and went to run past when the man punched him in the stomach making him fall to the floor, unconscious. They smirked as they dragged him to their base.

 Yuri looked around.

 “Wait a minute guys” Yuri said

 “Yeah?” they asked.

 “Where’s Dorian?” Yuri said confused.

 “He’s over there….” Lilith trailed off pointing to the empty bean bag

 “He’s gone!” Lilith yelled.

 “Hey calm down!” Junsu said.

 “You never know he could be upstairs lets just look around for about 10 minutes and meet up outside in the garden” Yunho said. They agreed and ran off to search they all came back disappointed

 “What are we gonna do?” Lilith asked tears already in her eyes Junsu hugged Lilith tightly and Yunho hugged Yuri a bit

 “We’ll find him don’t worry” Yunho said.

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