Someone had got to carry him back. And it would be me. He's currently almost as hot as when we were falling over the cliff back then. And both times, I was responsible. Now, I should repay Hak.

*3rd POV*

Princess Yona lifted the left arm of the one who fell down earlier above her right shoulder. That action made the bigger man slightly surprised, but it didn't show as pain was still masking his face. But then he said,

"I'll walk on my own."

"No. You will not."

"You have a soup to cook."

"I put the fire off."

Then suddenly, Hak covered his face with his own palm, hiding his expression of pain. However, contrary to his hoping the action would prevent her from realizing, Yona noticed it. She then put him down. With concern lacing her tone, she asked,

"Do you really have no need for anything?"

"Just.. leave me be-"

Gently, the princess grabbed her personal bodyguard's face and pushed her forehead onto his. This action wasn't meant to shut him up, but to measure his temperature. However it was another of the result than the intended one.

"It's really hot.. Hak, don't go anywhere. That's an order."

Yona then stood up, however she was stopped by someone grabbing her wrist.


Losing her balance, she fell into the broad chest of the one who pulled her. If it was not obvious enough, it's Hak. Clutching a handful of clothing of his blue hakama in her hand, she started processing what had happened.

"I'm sorry Hak, it was an accident." She stated blandly while trying to get up. However she was stopped by arms wrapping around her.


"...noisy. Stay by my side..."

"Geez your fever got you deliriously spouting nonsense. You should say that to the one you love you know."

After she had said that, Yona got up freeing herself. Even if it was Hak that held her, he was in a fragile state of feverishness.

"But you're the one I love, idiot.."

Yona sprinted to fetch the sick person she had to take care of the soup. She heated it for another few minutes before giving it to him.

"Hak, eat this."

"... Sorry I'm not in the mood Princess." Hak replied. The reason was his beloved's understating statement before.

The addressee thought thoroughly of the way so that he would eat the soup in her hand. Desperate, probably, she took a spoonful and touched Hak's upper lip with the tip of the spoon.

"Open up."

Hesitantly, Hak parted his lips. Immediately after that, the spoon in front of them was shoved into his mouth. He then coughed a bit, then clutched his head because it worsen his headache.

Looking apologetic was the one who shoved the spoon inside his mouth. She then wryly asked,

"How was it, Hak?"

"Yoon's food's always good. Especially when it doesn't make you choke." Hak grumbled. Noticing the sarcasm, the girl who fed him rested her hands on her laps while biting her lips. His look softened as he said "Let me finish that."

After Hak had finished the meal with Yona feeding him, Yona asked him, "How are you feeling now?"

"Better." He simply replied.

"The medicine- I-It was on Yoon.."

"I knew it. Just let me sleep." Gesturing his words, Hak closed his eyes.

In reply to that, the one who was in front of him then stood up and ran. Although looking dumbfounded, Hak didn't make a move. She then retuned bringing slightly thin blankets and water with her.

"In case you want to drink, I brought it." The redhead said while covering the blackhead in the sheets. She then sat close to him.

"... Can't you keep a bit distance?"

Seemingly hurt, Yona asked, raising her tone a bit,

"W-what's with you? You don't like me that much?!"

"No- that's not it..."

"Earlier too, you wouldn't let me make you better. You really don't like me sticking with you, do you?"

"I told you that's not it you idiot!"

Ignoring his furiously aching head, Hak half-yelled to stop Yona. She flinched.

"What if you caught my fever..."

Yona was silent for some moments after hearing that. She then replied, "I won't mind. If it's to protect you, it's all right."

Hak was surprised, but then broke into smile. He even chuckled a bit.

"I see."

Later that night, they both slept close by. Smile was plastered in their faces, as if they were having pleasant dreams.

I Am But Your Property (Yona × Hak)Where stories live. Discover now