Tom x Reader

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His third eye blinked in confusion. "Who is this?" Tom asked confused. You see today is the Blood Moon Ball. Star was invited by Tom but she didn't want go alone, so she brought her other earth bestie Y/N. "Tom this is Y/N." Star said excitedly. "Hi." You said shyly.(btw you guys can choose the dress your wearing out of these)

(btw you guys can choose the dress your wearing out of these)

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"Hi." Tom says back grumpily. "Now let's go party!" Star says. You guys start walking to the photo place. "Star." You say while grabbing her arm slightly. "I want to go home." You said feeling uncomfortable with all these people er demons around. "Aw but why." She said getting sad that you wanted to leave. She knows you are very shy so she try's to help with that. "I don't feel comfortable I feel like everyone is starting at me." You said starting to get very uncomfortable.
"Come on Y/N just stay with me and everything will be okay." Star said while grabbing your hand. "Okay." You reply.
After the photos you guys went to the middle of the ballroom well you and Star did. Right now you and Star were at the punch bowl watching a skeleton fish swim in it. "Here he comes hi Henry,his name is Henry." Star says to some random guy. Then this dude goes up to saying how it's her fault the ball is boring bla bla bla."Hey you wanna dance." This six fingered bat dude says to Star. Suddenly Tom comes flying out of no where saying her dance card is full." Oh let me guess your soul and her soul are gonna vmmmm?"(didn't know how to put that lol) "What is vmmmm?" Star asks.
Right now you were currently hiding behind Star. Tom looked over at you and blushed cause he thought you looked so cute. But I mean who wouldn't. Am I right?

(Time skip after the goat guy talks about the souls combining things like that)

Right now you were walking by your self because you wanted to give it a try. Tom left to go change the music. But what you didn't know was that he was planning on dancing with you instead of Star. You felt a tap on you shoulder and squeaked cause you got scared. You turned around to see Tom with his hand out wanting you to take it which you did. I mean who would turn a guy like him down? Star saw you two dancing and she stared internally fangirling. Then the red light landed on two people and those two people were you and Tom. After the light went away you and Tom kissed. After you two kissed you were pulled away by.... Marco! Who was trying to get you and star to come home. Tom went crazy almost blasted Marco away but Star froze him. Then started dragging you along to go home. The next day you saw Tom again who had a roses in his hand. Which you happily accepted telling him thank you while giving him a kiss on the lips.

Sorry if that was crap lol.

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