(James x Oc) part one

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The picture is my Oc, Kurt Rogers.

Please help, I need a title for this one. Anyone with suggestions please comment.

May contain spoilers
May include gay moments and violence

I also realize that James would say "yer" but I needed something for humor.

"Ugh! You're jacking my style."

I turned to him, exasperated. "And yer jackin' my happiness."

He sniffed and turned away, pulling his bandana a little tighter. I sighed and continued what I was doing.


"Excuse me?" I looked back at him. "What did ye just say?"

"It's pronounced, 'you're.'" He said, swiftly jumping over the edge of the platform and disappearing onto the docks.

I sat there, staring at the spot he was standing not five seconds ago, and ran the word over my tongue a couple times.

"Yoor. Yower. Yoower." None of it sounded right.

I stood up from the chest I had been sitting on and stepped down the ladder that hung on the wall to my left. Each rung brought me closer to the sound of bickering.

"I don't care what he told you, I'm not goin'." It was Kidd's voice.

"Well we need you to come along and keep an eye on Kurt. It's not too hard a task, Jim." The other voice sounded like Edward, captain of the Jackdaw.

I walked closer to them and crouched behind a barrel that was sitting on top of a crate. I listened as they argued back and forth for awhile before stepping out and revealing myself.

"If I'm such a pain in the arse, why don't you just stay here, James?" I paused for a moment. "It's not like yewr gonna watch out for me if you do come along."

No one spoke for a couple of seconds, then James burst out laughing. After settling down and chuckling a few more times, he looked to Edward. "I suppose I will come along. I doubt this one will be able to handle himself without me if he can't even say 'you're' right."

My face grew hot and I looked anywhere but Kidd's smirking face. "Idiot..." I muttered.

He came over to me and yanked my arm towards the ship.

"Yes, well, this 'idiot' would like to board the ship before he changes his mind."

"Of course, yewr majesty." I did a quick bow before straightening myself and running ahead of him.

"Just stop trying'!" He shouted after me.

"Yoower gonna have to make me." I did a little dance and miscalculated where my foot was supposed to land, stepping right off the docks and into the water.

"H'lp, I 'ant s'im!" I gurgled as bubbles pooled out of my mouth and floated away. Kidd shook his head and reached his hand out to me, looking highly disappointed.

"You're a pirate, mate, and you can't swim?" He raised an eyebrow at me as I struggled my way back onto dry land.

"I never learned..." I breathed rapidly and my eyes flickered between the ground and his face. "Hadn't the time."

He softened his features and sat down next to me. "Your mother, she died? I heard that she was the reason you became a pirate; to do things your father never let you do after her death."

"Yeh. One of those things was learnin' to swim. I never had a moment to spare for learnin' things extra after I joined Kenway. Not like I thought I would." We sat there for a moment before James tugged at my collar.

"I'll teach you, yeah? It'll be fun."

I smiled, and looked at the sky. "Yeh."


We had been sailing for hours before James realized I was bored.

"Whad'ya thinkin' 'bout, Kurt?"

"The stars."

He stared at my face for awhile before sighing and leaning against the pole nearest him.

"Well what do you want to do?"

I shrugged. "Anything really."

I saw him smirking from the corner of my eye.

"Anything, huh?" He snatched my banana from my head and took off below decks. I hastily followed him and scrambled to catch up with the speedy little devil.

"Catch me if you can, Rogers!"

I clenched my teeth together and sprinted through the tight area until I reached him. I began to pant for breathe as I briskly walked over to where he stood and snatched my bandana from his fingers.

"That's not what I had in mind." I said sassily. Before he had a chance to reply, the ship jolted to the side and I fell on top of James.

We lay there, trying to regain any dignity that we might have left.

"Are ye just goin' to stay here forever or are ya gonna move?" He asked and I swiftly jumped off of him and pulled him to his feet.


He shrugged and brushed past me unsteadily.

"We should go see what that was about." I said, aware of the tension that had grown in those few seconds.

"I'm sure they can take care of whatever it is themselves." James nodded in my direction. "I'm not done with ye yet."

I shivered. "Oh."

He smirked at me and lightly punched my arm.

"Ye cold, mate?"

I laughed uneasily and shook my head. His smirk dropped in a heartbeat and his eyebrows shot up, eyes full of concern.

"Something the matter?"

I straightened my face out and smiled warmly at him. "Nah, I'm just playing with ya. I'm fine."

He nodded and pulled his hand away from where it rested on my shoulder. I felt a tiny pain in my heart as he did so, but I shoved it down.

"Well let's get back up there then, don't want to keep 'em waitin'."

I frowned. "What about yer..um..thing you had planned? When ye said ye weren't done with me?"

James smirked yet again and signaled for me to follow him.

"Another day."


So yeah, gay things. Anyway, as I stated at the top, I need suggestions for a title. I have absolutely no ideas...I apologize if this isn't my greatest, I just felt like having a guy like him for once. I will have another chapter of just James x female reader after I finish the next part of this. I hope you enjoyed and, as always, I'll see you in the next chapter. :)

~Cassy out~

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