Infatuation part two (James/Mary)

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Lizabeth and James had been acquainted for almost three months when James realized sooner or later, he would have to tell Liza his (or rather her) biggest secret.

They were currently on the steps of Liza's house, the sun slowly sinking beyond the other buildings in Nassau. James had his right elbow resting on the step above where he sat, his hand holding his head as he stared at her. Lizabeth. She was very pretty, no doubt. She had long ash brown hair, chestnut brown eyes, and skin like drizzled honey. There she sat, in all her beauty beneath the sun's dying rays, with no clue of who actually sat next to her.

"Liza?" James spoke, unsure if he should actually tell her or not. He knew she had developed feelings for him, and he wanted to make sure she understood the extent of her affections. He was pretty sure they didn't go further than "male".

"Hm?" Lizabeth turned her head to look at him, eyes glinting happily. "What is it?"

He pulled at his jacket helplessly. Now he had to tell her.


She stared at him expectantly, yet still no words slipped from his mouth. And then suddenly, his lips were occupied by hers.

"Liza..." he mumbled into the kiss. Unfortunately this was going to be more difficult than it had already been. Why? Because he enjoyed the feeling of her lips against his own.

"Liza." He pushed her away gently. "I'm not James."

She looked puzzled for a few seconds.

"My names Mary, lass. I'm female, and I was tryin' to tell ye before ye put yer lips to mine."

Liza stared at him-her- numbly.

"...Mary?" The newly proclaimed Mary nodded, taking her bandana off slowly.

Liza's face twisted for a moment. Then she smiled at Mary, her hand sliding onto hers.

"I guess I'll just have to settle for liking a girl." She shrugged and kissed Mary again, this time not letting her lips be removed until she felt like it. In all honestly, Mary hadn't the slightest clue why she had fallen for Lizabeth, she was straight she had thought, but she didn't care. She was never going to let her go.

So I finished it!! I hope you enjoyed :) I tried CosplayPanda , I hope that it's what you envisioned. As always, I'll see you in the next chapter

~Cassy out~

Mary Read/James Kidd one shots Where stories live. Discover now