Infatuation (James/Mary) part one

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This was requested by CosplayPanda . I hope you enjoy :) This will be focused around my oc Lizabeth (Lie-zuh-Beth) and it is a two part story.

Lizabeth had always fancied a certain brown haired, red bandana wearing, sassy pirate who didn't know the meaning of "stop smirking". She didn't know what it was about him but she found herself following him sometimes, and had to stop and have a mental check with herself. It wasn't like she was trying to be creepy. It just...happened.

It was around noon one day that James noticed the girl following him. He wasn't particularly fond of her ogling and found it quite unsettling. Of course had he realized sooner that she meant no harm, he might not have gone to such...drastic measures.

"Stop following me, ye creep!" He yelled at Lizabeth. She stopped, dead in her tracks, and stared at him. "Something must be the matter with yer brain."

The man she had been slowly falling in love with for the past four months had just called her mental. She felt tears brimming her eyes and she slowly took a step forward.

"I didn't mean to be weird or creepy..I just never had the courage to say hello.." she paused and rested her hands on top of each other in front of her, her head bent down. "I'm sorry. And..hello."

James stood still for a few moments before walking in her direction. "It's okay, lass. I shouldn't have snapped at ye. It was just a little odd to have some strange woman following me at all times." He cocked his was to the side and smirked. Lizabeth laughed quietly and wiped her eyes with her hands.

"Do you think you could forget that I basically stalked you for four months?" The pair laughed and James nodded.

"Let's just start over, yeah?" Lizabeth nodded.

"Well..hello. I'm Lizabeth, or Liza, or Lizzy. Just pick one and we'll be good." She stuck her hand out and James took it, shaking it firmly.

"Name's James Kidd, though you already know that."

They talked for a good half an hour, walking aimlessly, until Lizabeth caught sight of her little house.

"I should be headed home. It was nice to actually talk to you, James."

"Likewise, Liza."


To be continued...

So this is part one of infatuation I hope you enjoyed. I decided to make this one longer so you get to see how their friendship grows and strengthens. I'm sorry if it takes me a bit to update. But here it is, like I said, posted on Monday. The next part should be up tomorrow. Thank you for reading and, as always, see you in the next chapter :)

~Cassy out~

Mary Read/James Kidd one shots Where stories live. Discover now