Mine (Mary Read)

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This is going to be a short one because I'm running out of ideas and I saw someone else write something like this and thought, "hey, that's cute."

She wasn't like any other woman I'd ever seen. She had no dress, nor heavily drawn lips and eyes. Her fingers splayed across her hip as she stood, lips pulled into a smirk. Each time the wind blew, her hair would carry away from her shoulders. I could see the tattoo on her chest and though to myself, "I wonder how many woman have those."

She had a way of making me laugh until I couldn't breathe; and she would smirk at me, pulling me closer to her until no space was left. She was beautiful.

And she was mine.

So if you couldn't tell, I prefer Mary over James. Like, the real Mary. I know it kinda sucked but I tried, and I'm going to keep trying. But for those of you who actually read this, please please please help me. I have no ideas at the moment and if I'm going to continue this book I need requests. Thank you for reading and as always, see you in the next chapter :)

~Cassy out~

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