“Dad, please call him.”

“Yes, Mr. Mendoza, please call him?” Caleb adds.

“Yes, Mr. Mendoza, how can you resist not calling him when these two cute little boys are asking you to do so?” Eleana grins.

“Why am I stuck with manipulative people?” Seth mumbles under his breath.  “All right, see I’m calling him?”

Danny and Caleb high five as Seth leads the way to the car. After dinner at the Greene’s, Seth and Nate head out. Danny like always doesn’t want to leave, but on the way home he falls asleep. Nate helps by carrying Danny up to his bedroom. While Nate puts Danny to bed, Seth prepares each of them a bowl of ice cream, and waits for him in the living room. Seth can’t help the nervousness he feels. He had asked Nate if he could stay for a bit at his house. Nate had taken in the serious tone and had agreed. Stepping into the living room, Nate wonders if it has to do with Seth contacting the orphanage after all, he had promised him he would do it soon.

“Hey, so I put Danny to bed, he didn’t even move. Practice and all the playing he did must have worn him out.”

“Thanks and yes, even though he didn’t want to leave Caleb. They’ve become inseparable those two. Here I made you a bowl too.”

“Thanks, so tell me what’s bothering you.” Nate says while sitting next to Seth.

“Hmm, I’m just nervous...I called the orphanage and they said I would have to go in person to get the information.”

“That’s good. I’m proud of you for taking this step.” Nate responds giving Seth a kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks, it’s in the next city over, so I am wondering if you would come with me this Saturday, only if you can.”

“You know I will.” Nate responds with a smile.

“But you have the game on Saturday.”

“Yes, but I will have someone cover for me. Stop worrying about it. I will go with you.”


“Now, are you going to need distractions from it until Saturday.” Nate asks with a mischievous glint.

“No, I’ll be fine and I do have a job that keeps me plenty distracted.” Seth answers moving a bit away from Nate already knowing what he has in mind.

“Seth, I’m not going to do anything. I meant do you want to hang out tomorrow and are you bringing Danny with us?”

“Sure, but no, he’s staying with the Greene’s. I don’t want to tell him until I know for sure.”

“Okay, but what about my other suggestion.”

“No, I can’t. We have an open house for the incoming students, but Friday, we can.”

“Okay, Friday it is and dress in comfy clothes.”

“Where are we going?”

“Nope, you’ll find out Friday.” Nate stands up putting a hand out for Seth to take. “Here, please walk me to the door.” Walking towards the door Nate asks, “do you think, it’s time to tell Danny about us? I think he already suspects?”

“Maybe…” Seth

“If you want to wait that’s fine.” Nate quickly adds.

Seth sees that Nate wants others to know, but he’s still hesitant to make it even more official, especially to his son. His friends suspect, but he hasn’t confirmed it. He still has the doubt that Nate will leave at any moment, but he resolves not to let it stop him.

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