Chapter 1

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The bar was filled with people as usual. That’s what I like about these places; people don’t bother you unless you bother them. Everyone minds their own business, makes it easier to blend in. I can see why my target chose this place. It was busy enough to be lost in but provided everyone the privacy they needed. I look at my watch again. 7:29. He should be here any moment now. I have been scouting this place for almost a week now. He comes here everyday around 7:30.

  The door of the bar swings open again, and he comes in. He follows his usual routine, goes to the bar orders his drinks and sits there nursing it for half an hour, talking to the barkeeper. At 8, he gets up, pays for his drink and leaves.

        I get up and follow him. The street outside was packed with people but I knew exactly where to find him. He always takes the same way home. I take a short cut and wait for him by the alley outside his apartment. I hear him coming, as he passes the alley I call out his name, “Professor Carl McCarthy.”  He turns and I see the confusion on his face as I pulled the trigger. The next moment he slums to the ground lifeless. I call it in. “Its done” I say. “Good, report back to the safe house, you’ll find everything you need to leave the country there.”

 Looking down at the body of the now dead Professor McCarthy I feel nothing. “Sorry Professor. It’s nothing personal.”  I start walking to the safe house, dropping the gun and the disposable phone into the nearest dumpster.

 This is who I am, who we are. Assassins for hire. The best in the killing business. I have been doing this since I was 13. My brothers and I have been trained by our father.

Reaching the safe house I change my clothes and head for the airport. My flight leaves in one hour.


" David just punched in the confirmation codes. He’s done the Franceassignment and will be back by tomorrow.”  Brian told his brothers.

“What’s next??”  Frank asks him.

“The usual, I send the message to father, he tells the client and they pay the rest of the money. I put it into our accounts  and we disappear.”

“I think he meant what do we do tonight??” Jack smiles and points out.

“How about pizza?? From Tony’s place??”  Brian asked them.

“I’m in.” Joey said as he entered the place.

“Of course you are, where ever they mention food you magically appear.” Jack teased as Joey, the youngest of them, frowned at him.

 Brian meanwhile was getting ready to leave. He took his laptop and packed up anything else he wanted to take with him and burned the rest, staying long enough to make sure no evidence was left behind. Then the four of them leave the warehouse they had chosen as HQ for this assignment. They headed out for a night of celebration after the completion of another assignment

Heading home with the guys, Brian feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He checks to see another assignment was waiting for them at home. For some reason he didn’t like this one at all, though no information had been given about what they had to do but the mere fact that they had another assignment already was ringing all sorts of warning bell in his head. In this profession, Brian and his brothers had learnt to believe on their gut instinct at a very early age, it could be the difference between life and death both for them and their family.

Jack noticed the worried expression on his brother face and didn’t like it one bit. “What’s up?” he asked.

Brian looked up from his phone and in an irritated tone said, “We have another assignment, father   wants us to get back as soon as David is back.” 

"That’s weird. But we just finished this one, what’s the hurry?” Jack asked him totally puzzled and definitely not liking this 'surprise' assignment.

“Hey I don’t like this anymore than you do. But we have our orders to meet up at the usual spot after David lands.” He turned and told Frank and Joey about the assignment and from the looks on their faces they didn’t like it one bit either.

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