Chapter 5

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Kristine Chapter 5

Please, please, please... I thought as I turned around. Thank goodness it wasn't them.

Why did I even think it might be them?

Well, crazy things have been happening all day. I guess it WAS possible...

"Ready to show me the place?" Shane asked. I looked around him. There was no signs of his fans anywhere. In fact, I didn't hear any screaming or see girls fainting anymore. 1D must've left the halls. I turned back towards Shane.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said as I headed that way.

"Um, actually, can we go pick up some people first? From, places I told them to meet?" Shane asked.

"Oh! Yeah! Sure! Who are they?" I said, changing directions.

"Um, just some people you might know..." He said, his voice getting quieter. Huh? What did that mean?

"Oh! Yeah!" I said snapping to life, following Shane, walking out a pair of double doors. "Taylor texted me saying she had to meet up with someone else, so I need to go pick up Hailey. She'd love to meet all of you." I said as we turned a corner. "But I guess that won't be necessary!" I whispered, looking on in awe as we walked out towards the softball fields. Hailey, along with Jack and Finn, Dan and Phil, and Pewds and Toby were standing on the field. Hailey was smiling like she'd never smiled before.

"Hailey! Guess you made some new friends!" I said gesturing towards everyone.

"Same for you!" She said, giggling and blushing. I looked at Toby and Pewds. They were laughing and talking away like they saw each other every day. Then there was some huge hunks of British chatting it up! Shane was standing next to me smiling.

"You don't mind, do you? I kinda needed help explaining..." He said, looking away slightly.

"I don't mind at all!" I said looking at him like he was crazy. Why WOULD I mind? "Let's head to the spot." I said pointing towards the giant oak tree behind the football stadium. We all gathered there, and our meeting came to order as I pulled out a cheese sandwich and a Coke. I started eating as Shane took the lead and Hailey sat next to me.

"Okay! Let's start this meeting! Or, it's more of a direct Q&A. Anyways, Kristine, I think all of us here can trust you and Hailey to keep this meeting a secret. Agreed? Agreed." He said, not asking anyone else's opinion, causing a few chuckles. "Now, feel free to ask any questions you like. Hailey and Kristine have the floor." He said motioning towards us and sitting down.

"Oh!" I said, or, murmured, with a mouth full of food. I quickly swallowed, which nearly choked me, and continued. "Um, yeah. First things first. Why are you all here in the first place?" I just wanted to cut to the chase.

"That's quite a long story..." Toby began.

"And I think it's he same for all of us." Pewds continued.

"So, most of us youtubers didn't finish college, and apparently the number of kids, according to some recent U.S. and U.K. polls, planning on and going to college are dropping steadily. And, unfortunately, they think it's our fault." Dan explained.

"They think going another year of High School or two while STILL keeping up with our videos will show our viewers to GO to college or high school or whatever and FINISH their education, or at least 'inspire' them to, and to show they can still be the youtubers they want to be while maintaining a good education." Jack said.

"That about sums it up." Pewds said, shrugging his shoulders.

"But, what if you guys DON'T maintain your education? Like, you get D's and F's or flunk a class? Or don't graduate for the second time? What then?" Hailey asked.

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