Chapter Twelve.

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Nas Pov
I watched as Twan walk away from one of the dealers that work for us and got in the car. Placing the stack of money in the cup holder, I didn't wait to hear any of his comments I pulled right off.

"This nigga making more bread than the niggas that's been working longer than he has." Twan said trying to catch his breath.

"And that's a problem time to shake these niggas up I'm really tired of talking now." I said keeping my eyes on the road. We were on our way to Palisades mall to get a few things for me, I loved shopping and didn't like looking at my closet feeling like I saw the same clothes over and over.

"This shit still blowing my mind yo." He spoke up.

"What shit?"

"The fact that Nicole is pregnant still got a nigga in shock."

"You shocked, I'm beyond shocked first she spending the night now she's having your baby what's next marriage?" I joked, chuckling pulling up to a red light. Not hearing a response I snapped my head in his direction staring at him in confusion. "You thinking about marrying shawty?" I asked amused once again.

"Man pay attention the light is red." Twan said ignoring my comment. Focusing back on the road I continued driving.

"When you going to get the ring?" I questioned taking him ignoring me as a yes that he would be eventually trying to make Nicole his wife.

"Soon I'm not sure but soon." He said as I pulled into the malls parking lot driving down further into the lot I found a spot close but not to close to the entrance.

"The day you'll find me in a suit." I said cringing at the thought of wearing one. I wasn't a tuxedo type of nigga and I only was going to do this for my nigga or if I was going 10 feet under.

"Don't worry when you marry Candice you going be wearing one to." Twan smirked while we walked towards the back of the mall which was another entrance. Shaking my head I sighed knowing that girl was all the way down with me now.

"Na man she really done with me this time."

"She think's she done because you not reaching out or even trying to talk to her to ask her why she been acting that way because ya was just good." Twan preached, walking to the escalators getting on I thought about it. He had a point I always waited for a bitch to reach out to me and kiss my ass never once was I the ass kisser and that's where me and her bumped heads at because both of us was not going to put our pride aside.

So I knew what I had to do to get Candice to be team Nasir again. But I would just give her some time and space. Waiting until things die down then I'll go in and work my magic.

"Now you a therapist." I laughed getting off the escalator walking straight towards Armani Exchange.

"I'm just trying help you catch the girl before you lose her forever and you going to be the one living the rest of your bitch ass life miserable talking about Candice I love youuuu." He said singing the last part making me walk off away from him. Going straight to the sweaters I started looking through the folded sweaters just to pick one up since it was spring. Finally finding one to my liking I threw it over my shoulder and walked to the register waiting behind a old Chinese couple.

Twan walked up beside me snickering making me clench my jaw this nigga was a clown 24/7 he ain't know how to turn the switch off.

"That's you and Nicole in the future." I told him referring to the Chinese couple.

"Yup and that's going be you." He said pointing
the one of the workers that wouldn't take her eyes off of me making me flare my nose at her so she would get the clue I ain't want to be bothered. "Thirsty." He finished off saying once he saw I knew who he was talking to.
All I could do was laugh, this nigga was really my other half. Nigga had no filter and that's why he was my best friend.

"Next in line." The guy called out. Walking up to the counter I placed the sweater down while the guy rung it up. Looking him up and down I could tell he was a fruit ball. I didn't have anything against the LGBT community but I ain't want any of them around me I wasn't with the shits.

"110.98." He said putting the Sweater in the bag holding it behind the counter.
Fucking hate shopping in these shits. If it wasn't for Twan I'd be shopping online right now.

Pulling my card out I swiped it putting in the pin and waited for him to give me my receipt.

"Your receipt." He said more friendly now handing me my receipt.

"Good lucks." I said oddly while walking away hearing Twan snicker again mumbling something under his breath. The girl that was staring at me was coming towards me with things in her hand and then all of a sudden the things fell out of her hands.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so so sorry." She said bending down slowly to pick the things up making me peek over at her plump ass.

Approving of it I bent down and helped her.

"It's cool here." I said handing her the hangers and the rest of the clothes she had in her hand.

"I just got nervous, I just never saw someone so handsome I'm sorry." She giggled showing her dimples like Lauren London. Shawty looked a little young but I would have to find that out on my own.

"What's your name lil mama?"


"You gotta number I don't want to keep you long and your boss come out here spazzing." I joked but was also dead serious I didn't want to disrespect he or she then Tiffany lost her job I somewhat had a heart I wasn't straight out evil. She nodded her head pulling out a pen and grabbing one of the nearest pieces of paper and wrote down her number.

"There you go, make sure you don't forget to use it." She said holding the paper back.

"I won't." I laughed as she eyed me handing me the paper. Winking she walked away making me turn around quickly to see how that ass moved in that pencil skirt.

"Shittttttt." Twan hissed shaking his head facing back towards the exit. I cheesed facing the exit to walking off.

"That's the perks of being single play boy." I said patting him on the back while we walked out the store heading to the Steve Madden store for Nicole.

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