Chapter Ten.

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Nas Pov

My barber Kenon shook out the apron before pulling it on me snapping the buttons to secure it.

"Aye ya I saw David baby mother beating his ass down the street for catching him with another woman last night." The other Barber Liam said across from mine said while taking the money from the client he just finished shaping up. I laughed shaking my head as my barber started to shape up the back of my head.

"She's a stupid broad knowing David will never be loyal to her or anyone else even if the world was coming to a end." Kenon replied. Hearing a few mumbles agreeing with him we all heard Toya the girl who braids hair in here. She was the Eve from Barbershop.

"The girl ain't stupid Kenon she just in love with him and she maybe have a thought in her mind that maybe one day he'll change." Toya spoke up upset at how mad he was bashing a female especially since she was the only female who worked in the shop.

"Why wait for that one day when she could just get a nigga like me." Liam said arrogantly. Turning me around in the chair, Kenon rubbed the sponge on the top of my hair to form the curls freshly again.

"You ain't shit either, none of ya niggas is shit conversation over." Toya said sucking her teeth going back to parting some nigga hair.

"Facts." I mumbled under my breath knowing that what she was saying was true, well at least when it came to me.

"I like them shoes you got on young buck what they called?" Liam asked me.

"Balenciaga's." I smirked as Kenon sprayed olive oil all over my head for the extra shine that I had liked.

"Balenci what, how much them shoes cost?" He questioned curiously.

"Around 600."

"Man that's about how much I make a week."

He scoffed shaking head.

Well me and you in different fields of work.
Standing up I dug in my pocket handing him three 20 dollar bills. 40 for my hair 40 for his tip. Dapping him and throwing up the deuces to everyone else. Reaching outside the breeze hit me as I zipped my sweater up being that my truck was right there. Unlocking my doors I got in and quickly locked the doors not trusting anyone from around this side of town.

"Finally took you long enough." Jasmine said from beside me, forgetting for a second I had even brought her along. I still wasn't 100% ready to trust her in my crib alone so if I had to go somewhere quick she was coming as well.

"Ya bitch- I mean ya females take way longer so don't complain." I said turning the ignition on looking in the mirror to the left of me making sure while I was backing out the spot I parked in I didn't hit another car I didn't have time to be breaking bread out of my pocket for other people's shit.

"I'm starving." Jasmine sighed loudly causing me to roll my eyes annoyed.

"Maybe if you learned to cook you wouldn't have to eat cereal all the time." I said sarcastically with a smile.

"Ha ha ha today you a comedian?"

"Na I'm dead ass serious." I said hearing my stomach growl.

"Oh someone sounds hungry."

I sucked my teeth in defeat getting on the Walt Whitman bridge so I could go to my favorite burger spot.

"You lucky a nigga hungry cause if I wasn't trust you'd be making another bowl of cereal."

"Whose that Candice girl?" She asked ignoring my comment.

"Candice that's it....but she's been my friend since we were little why?" I questioned curious as to why she was so worried about who Candice was.

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