Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The next day seemed to drag on endlessly as I waited for 2:30 to arrive. That was the time I was going to go see this lady with my sister. Part of me still refused to believe it. I mean what did I ever do, that was that bad.

Granted I wasn’t the quiet type either. But come on when my Leo asked me to marry him he expected me to go live with him in his house. He lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with his brother and his wife. His mom and his dad and his younger sister who was 16 at the time. Where the fuck was I going to sleep, yes remembering made me mad.

So I told him. Your aunt lived on the second floor. Ask her for the apartment and I will marry you. So (smirks) I had a 2 bedroom apartment all to myself since it was just us. Yes his parents were none too happy but what the hell did they expect, us to sleep with them, in their bed?

Back to my story, flashing forward to an hour before I was to go see the lady.   I was freaking out by now, maybe I shouldn’t go. What if God punishes me? Was my main thought. But hell that was what I was living. Guess it’s a good time to tell you that I had now gained about 80 pounds and was graying so much and I had those spots on my hands you get when you get older. I was so not myself anymore.

I had to do something was what my sister said so we drove out. It took 45 minutes to reach this lady. I felt a cold chill as I walked in and sat down. “Are you ready to hear everything I have to say or do you want me to keep some things quiet?”

I gulped, “No you can tell me everything.” I tell her and she hands me a deck of tarot cards.  She asked me to shuffle them and then split them into 2 piles. I do as she asked and she looked at me as she placed the first card down.

“No sleeping? You don’t sleep at night. You haven’t sleep at night for many months now.”

“No I don’t” Next card goes down. 

She looks at me “You are not well; you hear voices, not good.”

Next card goes down, “You take 2 medications for it. One helps the other not good at all, very bad for you. Stop taking it.”

“Yes I take one for depression and one for my panic attacks.” I tell her as she lowers another card.

“Ahh, you tried to kill yourself. I see a bridge you tried to go over?”

“No she didn’t” answered my sister.

The lady looked at me “Yes I did.”

Next card went down “wasn’t the first time. You tried before. You got ready to leave your family and not come back to them.” What the fuck, how the hell did she know about that?

She smiled at me not even waiting for a response as she drops the next card. She frowns and fixes the cards on the table. “You where supposed to be dead. Why are you here? You and your son were supposed to have died, what happened?”

“When I was pregnant it was horrible I could not eat or drink anything. I was in and out of the hospital for dehydration. I had to give birth early because of preeclampsia. But I, bled out and my hemoglobin dropped to 5 (women have 12-15). The doctors were surprised I was walking to feed my baby who was in the nursery also very sick.

“You had to have died that day along with your son?” she said and I looked at her like what the fuck. Next card went down.

“You were given something in a tea. Not once but a couple of times. It was so you would get sick. It was supposed to kill you and the baby.” I thought back and was like no, no one gave me a tea. Only one to give me anything was my mother in law a couple of times when she was at our house and I would have morning sickness. She said that it was a special remedy from Mexico. Oh shit I thought.

Next card went down. “You gained a lot of weight. You lost some but gained it all back.” She tells me.

“Yes I went to Jenny Craig. I lost 30 pounds then gained it back in less than 2 weeks.” I tell her and the next card goes down.

“Did she see you and ask how you lost?”

“Yes I told her what I was doing. Then she left for Mexico the next day.

“You feel  tiered and want to just lay down. You spend a lot of time laying on your couch.” Next card goes down. “You are supposed to stay there getting fatter and not wanting to do anything so your husband will leave you.”

Next card goes down. “It was his mother that did this to you. She took something of yours and his to do it.” Next card went down and my heart just about popped out of my chest. “6 months ago she buried something around your house. In the front and she spilled something in the back.

Here intentions where to trap you in the house.” Next card goes down. “But she can’t cross her best work so she goes through your back door. I don’t understand?”

I wipe the tear rolling down my face. “She never comes through the front. She always comes through the back.” I tell her.

“How long has she done this?”

“About 6 months ago she started.” I tell her trying to hold off a panic attack.

Next card went down “Your daughter gained a lot of weight too?” she asked.

“Yes, no matter what I do she is always hungry. To the point of throwing up every night.” I tell her.

Next card goes down. “She took hair one day you showered from the shower drain. But you did not shower alone. Your daughter was with you. So her hair was mixed into what she used.” I was starting to hyperventilate.

Next card “She paid top dollar for this job she had done. She is making sure you die now” next card. “She never visited you a lot but recently she comes every other day to make sure it’s working. Has she been by more now?”

“Yes she come every other day and takes me out to eat. She asked how I was feeling.” I tell her and she drops the next card.

“Death, you are set to die in less than 1 month if she gets her way.”

She went on to explain that they could put a protection spell on my family if we wanted and it will work to save me and all this other stuff. I was numb by now and well all this crap would cost money. I went home half in daze.

I told my husband everything that she said and how much she would charge. I told him about the protection spell and how she would come and dig out what she buried and bless our house. We cried together that night and he said yes we would get it done.


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