A new point of view

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I held in the door bell and André opened the door.
"Christian? You look like shit." He said as he let me in and I walked towards their living room.
Celine came downstairs in her robe and said "I'll get some whisky."
André nodded like that was a good idea and then he sat down in the couch next to mine.
"She has left. I fucked up. The first girl I've ever loved and I fucked it up."
André looked at me and Celine walked into the room at the same time as André said"Why did you let her leave?"
Celine handed me a glass of whisky and I thanked her.
"What was I supposed to do? She didn't want to talk with me."
"Can you blame her? You tell her you love her and the next thing she sees is you eating diner with another girl."
"I don't blame her. I blame myself but this was maybe for the best. When I told her that I loved her she didn't say anything back." I said and took a sip from my whisky.
Celine cleared her throat "Christian, she loves you."
I wanted to ask how she knew when she continued "Last night she went to tell you that she loved you. She's hurt."
I closed my eyes "It's too late." and Celine slapped me on my leg.
"Stop playing the victim. Go get her! Fly to London, she's worth it and you know it. And you love her".
Fuck, Celine was right. "You're right, I'm going to London." I said and finished my drink as Celine applauded.
"She's good, you'll have a hard time saying no to her." I said to André who smiled and kissed Celine. "I know, already having trouble with that."
"Thank guys, goodbye." I hugged them both and then I took a cab to the hotel.
"Christian." A voice said as soon as I entered the hotel.
It was my mother who was standing with my father and Olivia.
"Why in such a hurry?" She asked with a judging eyebrow raised.
"I'm going to London." I said with a smile and my mother glared at me "Don't tell me its because of that gold digger."
"Mother, if you..." I get interrupted by my father who says "Elisabeth you've crossed the line. Have you seen our son this happy in years? No. He loves her." My mother shut up for the first time for years and I smiled thankfully towards my father who spoke again "I hope I get to meet the lovely young woman when you get back."
Olivia smiled "Good luck, I'd also like to meet her."
I nodded and gave her a smile "Of course, I want to meet Ben as well."
My mother was trying her best to understand what was happening without success and my father took her hand and they left together.

"Mr.Walters is here to see you." Janine said through the phone and Lucas opened the door to let me in.
We shook hands and Lucas said "Welcome Mr.Walters, have a seat."
"I rather stand, where is Claire?"
Lucas looked confused and said "She's not here right now."
"When will she be back?"
Lucas hesitated and I added "I want to let her interview me for London Times."
"Splendid news. Well, she'll be at Grey's hotel tomorrow to do a interview with Jacob Richie."
"Thank you, Lucas."
On my way out of his office I called Jacob
"Jacob, could you do me a favor?"

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