A regret

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I woke up the next day with two strong arms around me. I looked at them before I remembered partying with Rachel, Filippo, lifeguard, he carried me home, his name is Christian and we had...
I threw off the blanket and yes, I was naked and so was he which had to mean that we had sex. God, I'm so stupid. Any other guy would have been great but the lifeguard who called me attention seeker? "Morning beautiful." A sleepy voice said and I quickly stood up and took the blanket to cover myself.
His hair was messy and I could see in the mirror that my hair also was that.
"You can't stay. This was a mistake. God, I'm such a fool."
Christian smiled like he thought it was a joke "So you're going to kick me out after the most amazing sex ever?"
I stared at him "I'm taking a shower and I don't want to see you when I come back."
He was leaning on his elbow watching me as I walked into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and let the warm water heal my body when I heard the shower door being opened. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I said as he took a step inside. "I thought we could shower together." He said and looked at me.
"Get out now!" I jumped out of the shower and took a towel. "You're beautiful even when you're angry."
"Flattery won't get you anywhere." I said and dragged him through the apartment and pushed him outside.
"You can't deny it wasn't the best sex you've ever had." He said and it was true but instead I said "I was drunk! I didn't know what I was doing." Christian winked "You knew what you were doing." I walked into my bedroom and collected his clothes and then I threw them out at him.
"Thank you." I was about to shut the door but he opened it. "When can I see you again?"
"Never." I said as the neighbor's door is opened. "Good morning." He said and quickly shut the door again.
"Now leave." I said and slammed the door shut.
I looked at my phone and saw that I had one text from Rachel.
R: "Are you alive? Are you kidnapped? God, text me!"
I smiled at her text because I could see how she was counting the hours until she could report me missing to the police.
" I'm home. Come over, we need to plan Celine's bachelorette party."
Her reply arrived in a minute.
R: I'll be there in ten. I guess you have juicy news too. :)"
I shook my head but the fact was that I actually had but she would be over-excited.

I put the sheets in the laundry and put new ones in the bed and ten minutes later Rachel was sitting on my balcony.
"So let me hear about your night?" She asked and I asked her the same question and added "You tell first and I promise to tell you."
"Fine. Nothing happened. Sure, I made out with the guy named Alex but then he had to leave because Filippo wanted to leave." She said and I understand that the reason why Filippo wanted to leave was that I left him.
"Sorry." I said trying not to smile.
"You can make it up by telling me about your night." She said wriggling with her eyebrows.
"So I met the lifeguard again." I started and Rachel looked confused at me.
"And because of the shots I walked up to him and kind of yelled at him."
"Kind of?" She said amused and I continued. "Yes then I got dizzy and then he helped me outside and then he helped me home and then, yeah you get it."
Rachel gave me an applause "Wow Claire, I'm proud! Was it good?"
I gave her a look "It was amazing." and she let out a small sigh of happiness.
"But Claire why did he leave so early?" Rachel said while staring intense at me.
"About that..." I said and pulled a hand through my hair. "I kind of threw him out."
"You did what?" She said with large eyes.
"I still don't like him and I was drunk. Really drunk, it's the only reason why I would ever have sex with him."
"But it was amazing you said?"
"Yes, but please leave that now. We need to plan Celine's bachelorette party."
Rachel looked at me before waving for me to tell my plans.
"Okay. So we are going to kidnap her when she's eating lunch with André, right?"
"That's correct" Rachel said and I continued. "And then we take her to the place where she'll do something that she's afraid of. And then we drink and then we make her do something embarrassing."
"I really excited for that part." Rachel said and smiled. I agreed with her, I was also excited.
"And after that it's dinner and after dinner we have our surprise."
"I think we're more excited for the surprise." Rachel said and I laughed because it was true.

A few hours later we were done with everything almost. "Have you talked with the best men?" I asked and Rachel shook her head. "I have no idea who they are but I hope they're nice and handsome.." I interrupted "and rich." and I rolled my eyes when she nodded.

It was Thursday and the day of Celine's bachelorette party and the wedding was in two days. I was starting to feel nervous and I wasn't the one who was getting married. R: Are you ready? I'm outside."
I locked the door and grabbed my stuff and like Rachel said, she was sitting in a taxi just outside.
"Hello darling." She said and and we were off to the restaurant where Celine was eating lunch with André, unaware of everything.
The taxi stopped outside the restaurant and we snuck inside the restaurant. "There they are." I whispered to Rachel and André gave us a nod. He was handsome but he wasn't my type and this was the first time I was meeting him.
"Hello darling." Rachel said and Celine looked chocked at me. "What are you doing here?" Celine asked as Rachel covered her eyes with a black bandana.
I turned around towards André and stretched out my hand. "Claire Holmes. Nice meeting you, we'll return her tonight."
He laughed "André Serra, a pleasure. Make sure she doesn't find someone better than me."
"Seriously guys, where are we going?" Celine said and Rachel answered "Surprise, now please stand up."
Celine did as we asked her to and we helped her to the taxi.
"To our third destination, please." Rachel said and we were off.
"I don't know if I trust you." Celine muttered to herself and I smiled.

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