Chapter 11: Isn't He Just A Ray Of Sunshine?

Começar do início

“This isn’t a movie, calm down. And if he wants to go into the middle of the woods at midnight, then I have no intention of attending since he clearly has something else on his mind and it’s definitely not romantic.” I huffed out.

“Whatever, don’t you have to meet up with Avery anyway?”

“No, he said not on Fridays.”

“Aw okay.” She attempted to pout. “Well then I don’t want you home until midnight.” Ally stated in a mother-like tone.

I couldn’t help but laugh from her horrible impression.

“I’m not promising that.”

“Party pooper.”


“Okay class pack up. There’s only a few minutes left until the bell rings, just please stay in your seats.” The teacher, substitute teacher, said over the noisy chatter. Since Ms. Alevrado wasn’t here, I decided to see if he would let me leave early.

“Hello Mister-” I glanced at the board to read his name, “Heddison, I was wondering if you would be able to excuse me for the last few minutes. I have to see my guidance counselor before the bell rings.” Well that was a no where close to the truth, but it gets easier to lie the more frequent you tell them. Wow, that doesn’t sound good. Well, it’s to a sub so it’s not that big of a deal.

“I’m not saying yes,” I frowned at his words, “but I’m not saying no either. If you get in trouble, don’t mention me.”

I smiled at him and returned to my seat to pack my things.

I just wanted to walk around the halls to get rid of some nerves. I walked out the class and headed towards my locker first. It felt better to walk in the hall while it was empty. It saved me being bumped by people who were too rude to move out the way.

I reached my locker when I started to hear hushed voices. The closer I got, the more clear their words were becoming.

“-yeah, I have it don’t worry.”

“Okay, good. I’ll be over at your house around midnight.”

“Don’t forget to bring yours.”

“I won’t.”

The voices broke off as the sound of footsteps could be heard. My heart quickened at the realization that the footsteps were getting closer to my direction.

I quickly tried to shake any emotion off my face in case I looked like I just heard what they were talking about.

I didn’t catch much but from what I heard, it sounded like they were talking about-

“Well, well. Hello sweet cheeks, fancy meeting you here.”

How did I not recognize his voice in the first place? Sighing, I turned around to face a smirking Avery.

“It’s not so fancy, we’re in school.”

“So why aren’t you in class? I believe it ends in five minutes, give or take a few seconds.”

“I could ask you the same now couldn’t I?” I crossed my arms over my chest. He should mind his own business, seeing as mine most certainly does not concern him.

“Yeah you could, but that doesn’t mean I’ll you an answer.”

And on that note, I turned back around and headed for my locker which was now in my line of vision. I assumed since my retreating figure was, well… retreating, that he would take the hint as to leave me alone. But I don’t think he got the message since I heard his footsteps behind me.

The Virgin LessonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora