The Beginning of the New Year

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Chapter One

(3rd person P.O.V)

Drew and Gaven walked into their school orientation together. Tomorrow is their first day of 8th grade.

"Welcome, classes of 2016-2017. Today we will show you your classrooms and you will meet your teachers."

Drew and Gaven smiled and followed the administrator of Elkins Christian Academy, Drew's Father, and were lead to their classroom. Drew and Gaven have gone to this school their entire lives. Its a small academy with about 70 people in the entire school. They met when Drew's dad bought the school about 9 years ago. They both remember the day they met as if it was just yesterday. The small brunette and blonde haired boys they used to be playing on the schools playset. They walked into the 8th grade classroom where they were met with 6 other students, who all knew each other because everyone has always went to school there. Its almost as if they're a huge family. Everyone knows everyone. But yet again, they live in a small town in West Virginia, so technically everyone has met everyone at least once, and news spreads fast. They all walked around and found the desk with their name on it. As always, Drew and Gaven's desks were next to each other. After everyone was seated, their teacher began to speak

"Hello class. I'm your new Teacher, Mrs. Schoonover. I'm a new teacher, so i know it may be a little odd, because you've always had the same teachers, but i promise this school year will be fun."

After the teacher was done speaking, they all had their books, and all of the students agreed to the handbook, everyone left to go home. Drew and Gaven climbed into Gaven's mom's car and drove to his house, because it was a tradition that Drew stays with Gaven the night before their first day of school. They both sat in silence as she drove, thinking about their new school year and whats to come of it.


When they arrived at Gaven's house, it was around 7:30pm so Gaven went to his room to shower, and Drew went to the bathroom in Gaven's parents room to shower. Drew finished first, due to him taking a shower that morning. He walked into Gaven's room and got dressed. Just when Drew finished brushing his dirty blonde hair, Gaven walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed. He grabbed his hairbrush off his dresser and began to brush his brunette hair, not styling it in any particular way, due to him being home. After they were both done with their hygiene, they laid on Gaven's bed and played The Legend of Zelda until the sun had set and it was dark outside. Drew looked at the clock and saw it was 9:30 so he shut off the PlayStation 4 and laid on his back and sighed.

"I'm not ready for this, Watinez. I don't want to go back to this stupid academy we've been at all of our lived." Drew said pensively.

"It'll be okay, Drew, just one more year, and then were free. We can leave that place and go to high school and never look back." Gaven said in a benevolent way.

Drew smiled fondly at his best friend, who he's known most of his life. He rolled over and turned the light off next to Gaven's bed and crawled under the blankets next to him. He turned towards Gaven and smiled at him in the dark.

"You're right Gaven. Soon we can be free, and never worry about this place again." Drew said softly.

Gaven watched the boy he's always known slowly fall asleep with a smile on his face. Gaven admired Drew deeply. He was so brave and kind and gentle, that he didnt know how anyone on the face of the planet could NOT like Drew. Drew was always there for Gaven. He would drop anything he was doing if he needed him, and Gaven would do the same for Drew. Gaven thought about all the times Drew helped him with school work or how he made sure he didnt feel stupid because he couldnt figure something out. He thought about all the times Drew stood up for him. He closed his blue eyes, and fell asleep thinking about how this year of school will go.

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