Nen Battle

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Eyyo reader-chaaan

Sorry for deleting the latest chapter that I published because I think I published the wrong one

Oops(I accidentally wrote oppa when I'm typing this lmaooo) sorryyyyyyyy *bows*

Forgive me reader-chaaaaan


Chapter starts in






Reader's POV

We went outside and saw Killua waiting outside like he said

Killua:Oy you took so-

There is a minute of silence between us...

Which (finally) Umaru broke

Umaru:(Y/n) might melt there lil' boy go on

I saw Umaru hit Killua in the face while Azusa said something to me

Azusa:Shall we go then? *smiles*

Huehue Kurapika-nii picked the right girl

While we're already out....

Killua went beside me and he growled at every SINGLE man that was looking at me

I was startled when I felt something on my head

I grabbed it and looked what it is


Killua:Put that on..I don't want anyone looking at you except me

O-oy what are you saying?!You!!

I tried to hide my face without saying anything to Killua

While fangirling...

I didn't noticed that we arrived already

Gon:Finally!!Killua do you want to join the volleyball contest?It is a 2 vs 2 game!

Azusa:Oh I remember,isn't (Y/n) part of the volleyball club?

Killua:She's the captain

(Y/n):Hmmm should I go and play with Umaru?

Umaru:Nah I'm too lazy and I suck at volleyball

Kurapika:Why don't you go and play with Killua?

I gave him a glare because he's nudging my shoulder and it's really annoying

Gon:Ehhhh but-

Before he can finish his sentence Kurapika stared at him

Their eye to eye conversation

Kurapika:Read the atmosphere..Those two are playing!

Gon:But I wanna play with Killuaaaaa

A/n:ship is sailing woot woot Killua x Gon!!

(Fujoshi alert)

Kurapika:Go play with Umaru then

Red String of Fate [ Killua x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now