2. Don't Crash My Car

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"What's the age difference between you guys?" Elena asked her 800th question of the day. She and Stefan had decided to skip school, choosing to quiz me instead.

"Damon is 7 and a half years older than me," I informed her. "Stefan... I can't remember. How many months is it again?"

"2. I'm 2 months older than you," he said. He never celebrated his birthday so I couldn't remember exactly when it was. I could see Elena trying to work out how there were only 2 months between us.

"Our mothers were pregnant at the same time. Our father was a cheating asshole," I saved her the trouble of trying to put the puzzle together.

"So, what have you been doing for the last 50 years?" she asked me. I got what Stefan saw in her. Usually it took humans months before they were OK with the whole vampire thing – Elena spoke to me like I wasn't one of the undead.

"Killing people mainly. Drinking them dry, y'know, the vampire usual." I was trying to scare her. To my amusement, her face dropped and her heartrate picked up.

"She's joking," Stefan cut in. "You are joking right?"

"I moved to Atlanta," I told her. "My partner James and I had one of those 'normal people' relationships. We got jobs, had a small wedding ceremony, that kind of thing. If it wasn't for the thirst, I would have forgotten that I was a vampire."

"You got married?" Stefan asked.

"Not legally. We tried, but no one would marry a 50-year-old man to a girl who looked 17."

"So he wasn't..." Elena trailed off.

"A vampire?" I finished. "No. He didn't want to turn and I didn't want to lose him."

Stefan and Elena looked at each other, and I immediately knew what they were thinking. It was the same thing that every vampire/human couple thinks.

"So..." I tried to think of something that would get rid of the rising awkward silence. "Is there anywhere around here where I can get a proper drink? Something that isn't bourbon?"

"The grill," Stefan said, grabbing his keys. "I'll take you."

"No need brother," I said, grabbing the keys from his hand with vamp speed. "I can find it."

"Don't crash my car," he warned me.


The grill was beginning to fill up. With school finished, this was apparently the place to be. I sat at the bar.

"Vodka – double shot!" I ordered from the bartender.

"Coming up!" he said, pouring the alcohol into the small glass.

"Thanks," I said, downing it and signalling for another.

"Did I just see you driving Stefan Salvatore's car?" he asked. I frowned, trying to remember details from Stefan's letters. If this guy knew Stefan's car, he was probably one of Elena's friends. Which one was the bartender again?

"You're... Matt? Donovan?"

It was his turn to frown. "Are we supposed to know each other?"

I downed the next drink. "I'm Serena Salvatore, Stefan's sister. You're Matt, his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend."

"I prefer 'just Matt'," he said.

"OK, 'just Matt', another vodka please."

"So if you're Stefan's sister, you're a...?" he trailed off, pouring my next drink. For a town harbouring a load of vampires, they really were scared to use the word!

"A vampire?" I whispered, giggling. "It's OK, you can say it."

"So... are you?" he asked.

"I'm over 160 years old, what do you think?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I think... Mystic Falls just got a lot more interesting," he said.

"Here's hoping!"


"We're closing," Matt said. "You need help getting home?"

"I'm fine," I said, ignoring the fact that I was slurring my words. I grabbed Stefan's keys and stumbled out of my seat. The Grill was, by this time, completely empty.

"You know you can't drive right?" he asked with a laugh.

"I'll be fine, I'm a vampire, remember?" I giggled again and he took the keys from my hand.

"You might be a vampire, but the person you run over probably won't be. I'm keeping these. You can pick them up when you're sober."

"Whatever," I said under my breath, walking out of the bar. I turned right and stumbled a few steps before changing my mind and turning left. Which way was the Salvatore house again?

I turned again and was hit with what felt like a brick wall. I fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry. Are you OK?" someone asked.

"I'm fine!" I said, looking up and straight into a pair of blue eyes. The owner of said eyes held out his hand and I took it, letting him help me up.

"I'm sorry," he said again. "I was running and it was dark, I didn't expect to see anyone."

"Stop apologising. I probably would have fallen down anyway."

He eyed me, giving me time to actually look at his face.

"Can I call you a cab?" he asked. His eyes were pretty. So pretty that I could barely concentrate on anything else.

"No, it's fine. I spent all my money on vodka."

"I'll pay for it," he said, taking his phone out of his pocket and dialling a number. I reached down and took off my shoes. My feet felt constricted. Isn't that a normal feeling to have when you're drunk?

"Are you from here?" I asked him curiously.

"No, I'm from Brooklyn. Just visiting," he smiled.

"Who visits Mystic Falls?" I asked, more to myself than to him.

"I heard about some mysterious animal attacks, here more than anywhere else. People were bitten, their blood drained. I came to check things out."

"What are you, a cop?" I asked, trying to change the subject. I was drunk, but I wasn't stupid. It was obvious that he was talking about vampires.

"Something like that," he answered as we saw headlights in the distance.

"Thank you for doing this, I appreciate it."

"No problem," he said.

The headlights coming towards us sped up. They kept speeding, until I was sure that they wouldn't stop. They flew past us and drove into a girl crossing the road. I ran to her with vamp speed, cradling her head.

"How did you just do that?" the guy asked, running towards us. I couldn't answer, of course I couldn't. I couldn't put all of the Mystic Falls vampires in jeopardy. He frowned. "What the hell is going on in this town?"


Thanks so much for reading! The next chapter will be up next Saturday!

Who's the mysterious stranger that Serena just met? Does he know about vampires?

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