By the time they finished their tea they became fast friends. The Grangers trusted them and allowed Hermione to stay for dinner. Sirius and Remus told them they can stop by anytime.

After they left, Sirius and Remus called down the kids to talk about Hermione. They came running down the stairs giggling.

"We will be taking you home after dinner Hermione. Is that alright?" Remus asked.

"Yes, sir." Hermione answered.

"Call me Remus." He said with a smile. "What else have you made happen?"

"Well once my Mum took away my books after I talked back to her. I asked her to take my toys instead but she said no. I got angry and my books appeared right next to me." Hermione said. "Another time I was afraid because a boy at the zoo was chasing me and I hid behind a door and ended up in the monkey cages. That was hard to explain to my parents."

"And your parents. Can they make things happen?" Sirius asked.

"Not that I know of, sir." Hermione said.

"Sirius." He said.

"Yes, I am serious." Hermione said and got a giggle from Remus and Sirius.

"No, my name is Sirius. You can call me by my name." He said.

Just then, Starry appeared in the room causing Hermione to scream and run up the stairs.

"I'm sorry sirs! Starry didn't detect any muggles to be here." She said.

"It's okay Starry. Can you clean this up and send a message to The Malfoys and The Weasleys to come here around 8?"
Remus said.

"Yes sir." Starry said.

"And stop calling us sir." Sirius said.

"Let's go upstairs and find her." Remus said.

They found Hermione in Harry's room on his bed.

"Are you alright Hermione?" Harry asked.

"What was that thing?" Hermione asked.

"That was just Starry. She's our house elf. She does our cleaning and cooking mostly." Harry answered.

"Elves aren't real, Harry." Hermione said.

"Hermione we need to tell you something." Remus said. "You're a witch."

"What?" Hermione said.

"A witch. You're a witch dear." Remus repeated. "And we're wizards. We can do magic."

"That's impossible!" She said.

"It's true! We get wands when we're eleven and then we go to a magic school called Hogwarts." Harry said.

"Can you show me?" Hermione asked.

"Sure." Remus said and brought out his wand. "Accio 'Explaining Magic to Muggleborns' book."

A book came flying in from the library and landed on Hermione's lap.

"You can have this book. To your parents it will look like an empty book because they aren't magic." Remus said. "They are what we call muggles. Eventually they will be told about all of this."

"Thank you. That was brilliant!" Hermione said. "Can you do any magic, Harry?"

"We aren't allowed to until were eleven." Harry said sadly. "But I have a magic broom that were allowed to ride on!"

"Wait! After dinner we will teach Hermione how to ride a broom. It should be easy for her. She seems like a bright young witch." Remus said.

Hermione beamed up at him and Remus smiled back. "Let's go eat."

After dinner they taught Hermione the basics on how to fly. She didn't fly yet but she would be soon. They then walked her home which was only a couple of blocks away.

"Goodbye Hermione. You can come over whenever you want. Next time we'll show you the library." Remus said.

Hermione's eyes widened and she hugged them all. "Goodbye! Thank you so much for the book. Bye Harry, see you tomorrow!"

"Bye Hermione!" Harry said.

They walked back home and put Harry to bed and waited downstairs for their guests to arrive.

The Malfoys and The Weasleys appeared right after each other. Sirius and Remus were surprised to see them be civil to each other.

"Is everything alright?" Lucius asked.

"Is Harry okay?" Molly asked.

"Yes everything's alright and Harry is more than okay. He made a friend at his muggle school today that happened to be a muggle-born witch." Remus said.

"That's great! He's making friends." Narcissa said.

"Yes. Now I had a question for you." Remus said. "What do you think about Draco, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George all going to Harry's muggle school?"

Hope you all liked the chapter! Let me know if I made any mistakes. I'm not rereading it until tomorrow. Have a good day!

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