Café stalls •clony•

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Okay thanks btw for 125 reads!! Lots of people have requested for more so here u go;) nice lil closet smut. And Tony's a lil rebel -F


Tony sat in class, bored out of his mind. He literally just wanted the day to end, because who the hell even likes school!? Maybe after school, I'll take Brad to Monets café. Tony thought. As the Boring day went on, he thought about his plans with Brad, before a certain someone came across his mind.
Clay. Clay Jensen. His best friend that he's been friends with since , well a long time. First he thought about his body, then his hair, then his eyes. Oh, how his eyes kill with beauty. Wait , why was he thinking about his best friend like that? He has brad anyways, right?
"Mr.Padilla" Tony shook his head. "Um yes?"
"What is the difference between a ratio and cow?"
"No te conozco perra muda" some of Tony's friends giggle because they knew he said "I don't know you dumb Bitch" but everyone else was confused as the teacher was. She just kept eyeing him through out the class.


Clay sat in Monet's café, on his computer; finishing his homework. He definitely didn't expect Tony to come around, especially with Brad. They sat almost next to Clay, he didn't bother looking over. When ever Tony got the chance tho, he looked over at Clay. Clay knew that he was looking at him, but still didn't say anything.

It was about thirty minutes later, Sky came over to talk to Clay.
"Hey clay"

"Oh hey Sky, what's up?"

"Not much. But I've noticed that Tony keeps on *cough* looking at you" she says; in a low whisper voice, "how does it make you feel? That he brought Brad along?"

"I don't really know. I mean I don't care, literally at all" Clay says. "Oh sure whatever big chump" Sky says giving him a wink and walking out. Clay looked over, Tony and Brad were gone. He looked out the window and Tony's car was still there, but no Tony. He turned around and looked over to the bathroom, and seen Brad walkout, tears in his eyes. He watched him walk out, Tony trying to keep him to stay in the Café, but it didn't work. Tony walked back over to his seat, face in his hands. He definitely wasn't crying but was sad. Clay got up and walked over to Tony.

"Hey man, you okay? What happened?"

"Brad thought I was cheating on him because of the texts I sent to you. He didn't realize it was you and when I tried to explain-" Tony was cut of with a hug over the table , he hesitated before hugging Clay back. "Thanks Clay"

They looked each other in the eye, before Tony leaned in; Clay leaning in to. The gap between there lips was closed. Tony pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I should go" Clay says, before Tony grabs his arms, pulls him into the two stall bathroom and locks the door. Tony pushed clay up against the door, kissing him roughly. Licking his lip asking for entry, Clay moaned as Tony slipped in his tongue and explored all of his best friends mouth. Tony took of their sweaters jackets and shirts and continued to kiss, before pushing Clay on top of the sweaters. His hands roaming his body. "Such a pretty body"

"Wait hold on, what about Brad?"

"What about him?"

"Aren't you guys a thing?"

"Oh mi amour, you have no idea how much I like you more than him, plus we are way over" Tony said kissing him again. But this time more rough, and lots more passionate. He rubble Clays tummy, circling little circles with his thumbs. This made Clays member harden even more. Tony took advantage of this, grabbing his member, "you like that hmm? You want more, mi amour?"

"Quiero que me jodas así que no puedo caminar" Clay said, he had practiced that for a while. (Go translate it from Spanish - it probably translated wrong tho) Tony smirked at his remake, He pulled down his own pants before pushing his member into Clays mouth, chocking at the length.

He swirled his tongue all around the base, and his slit. "Mmh, keep doing what your doing and your gonna get what you asked for" Tony said . Clay sucked and licked, knowing he was doing good because of Tony's moans. "I'm gonna cum" Tony says, releasing into Clays mouth, clay drooling at the loss.

He turned clay over, sucked his own fingers, he started teasing his hole; earning cute whimpers and moans from him. "P-please. Don't tease me!" He said breathlessly. When Tony shoved his finger in there, hitting that good angle. "Aaah~ Tony!"

"One finger and your moaning already, your such a little whore" Tony spat. He added another finger gently scissoring him. Clay squirmed at the burning and pleasurable sensation. Tony pulled his fingers away, leaving clay to whimper, before he felt something big and warm inside of him. His eyes widened before shutting again. "M-move" he stutters.

"as you wish" Tony's says. He starts off slow, but Clay speeds up. "Go f-faster. I'm not a fucking pus- Ahhh!~" he was cut off by heavier rams into him. Soon, the hot bathroom was filled with the sounds of skin slapping skin. Clays eyes shut tight, as he moaned loudly. Probably the cafeteria workers could hear them.

"Ah- fuck! Hit that spot again!" Clay yells out, as Tony angled himself and hit his protest. "I'm gonna.. cum!" Clay yelled, as Tony helped with that and stroked his member. "Me too, mi amour your being good, cum, cum for me" Tony says as Clay climaxed all over the floor and his stomach. And Tony releasing into Clay.

"So, how about trying to clean up this mess?" Tony said, clay giggling as they cleaned up a mess that they'd never forget.

The end!! How was this one? I'm really glad u guys enjoyed my first one and I'm glad that you wanted more!! Please vote and sorry it wasn't as long as the others! Thanks again-


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