DARE#23 (Part 2)

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hey....sorry for not updating...anyways continuation!

The whole day the ukes were dreadful because of their transformation, until the semes saw them...

Tadashi: H-hiro????
Tyrone: Blueberry?
Tom: *drooling*
Bill: oh my...pinetree....you're so....hot

ukes: oh shit...RUN!!!

The ukes ran for their precious lives, going everywhere the forest. The semes followed them, chasing them to capture them. Tadashi caught Hiro in one swift, "I am never letting you go" he said in a seductive tone, he carried Hiro to the house and straight to their room. Odd sounds can be heard (ya know what i mean)

Tom caught Marco in just one snap, teleporting themselves to their room. And they...err....started to have sex.

Tyrone made a trap in the whole forest for Will and Dipper, one snap and all traps are set. "Nice one Ty" "Welcome" they waited for about 5 minutes if the traps are already triggered, as they heard two triggers, they immediately split up and went to the traps. Will can be seen hanging upside down, his right leg tied. "Hello blueberry~" Tyrone said, he snapped his fingers and Will fell down, causing her to feel pain on her back. "Are you hurt babe? Don't worry, I'll take care of you~" he said with a smirk, you can see by his eyes that are seductive. He carried her and went straight to their room. Bill saw Dipper, all trapped by a net. He felt hard on his member when he saw his lover, clothes torn, almost naked, and overall sexy.
He couldn't handle the lust so he directly fuck Dipper. All of them were into lust.

After 2 hours, they already finished, All semes were so hyoed uo for another round tomorrow, while the ukes were sleeping, guess they can't walk properly tomorrow.

Me: can't...too much....oh my....Thanks for the dae btw...

dare(BillDip,WillDip,TomCo,etc.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt