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yenni_luv17 do you guys ever think of having a family?

all except me: no

me: They can now

all: WHAT?!.

me: check your babies guys, take care of them -evil laugh-

Hiro, Will, Dipper, Marco: Fuck! we're pregnant!

Tadashi, Tyrone, Bill, Tom: thanks Kim!

me: sure....-walks out-

8 or 9 months later...

Hiro: uhh Tadashi?
Tadashi: yes?
Hiro: My water broke
Tadashi: Shit! Okay Hiro breathe I'll call an ambulance...-calls ambulance-
Hiro: -screams-Goddammit Tadashi! It fucking hurts!
Tadashi: Okay just calm down!
Hiro: -tries to calm down-

Will: -screams-
Tyrone: What is it?! Who did that?!
Will: He's going out goddammit!
-rush in mode and they went to the hospital-

Dipper: Bill carry me to the fucking hospital now! -screams-
Bill: Okay pinetree!
-rush to the hospital-

Marco: -screams-
Tom: its time -snaps fingers and teleports to the hospital-

all four of them were at the hospital and together they screamed in pain and tried to push so that the baby will come out...

*many minutes later!*

Hiro and Tadashi's baby is Tadahiro (hehe)

Will and Tyrone's baby is Willdip

Dipper and Bill's baby is bipper

Marco and Tom's baby is Tomco

me:sorry I don't know what will be their names.....but anyways this is the truth gave though...comment more if you like

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