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SillyCouple I dare Hiro, Will, Dipper and Marco to kill everyone except their babies with Jeff.

Will: sure
Hiro: i'm fine with it
Dipper: cool!
Marco: yeah, okay
Me: Start now!!!

-the four went out with Jeff and kill many people for the whole day-


Tyrone: uhh where's blueberry?
Tadashi: where's Hiro?
Bill: pinetree!
Tom: Marco!

Me: they went out killing people with Jeff

Four: ohh okay....wait WHAT?!

-Will, Hiro, Dipper, and Marco came with blood stained on their clothes and face while smiling happily...like a psycho smile-

four: we're home!
Four: -tooke their babies and went to the corner-

Will: Tyrone? What are you doing?
Tyrone: your being insane now! Your being a freak now!
Will: don't worry, I can control it

Hiro: uhh Tadashi?
Tadashi: don't say a single word and just stay away first to our baby
Hiro: fine...

Dipper: uhh Bill? What's with the face?
Bill: your more evil than me...

Marco: Tom?
Tom: don't even think about it

Me: what can i say? Wicked is good hehe

Thank you SillyCouple for giving your dare. Your dares are wonderful and perfect guys!

All: no its not!
Me: shut up!

dare(BillDip,WillDip,TomCo,etc.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ