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The_Iplier_Person Idare them to react to markiplier

me: I already know markiplier so meh..i dunno to these boneheads here

all: HEY!

Me: welp, lets watch them react!

*searching markiplier funny moments*

*all of them are ready to watch the so-called markiplier*

after 24 minutes....

me:so? what happened? is it good for you guys?

Tadashi: Scientifically, its 30% funny for me and 70% not.
Dipper: Its kinda cringey buuuuut at the same time funny :)
Bill: WAHAHAHAHAHAHA he zo stupid!!!
Tom: is this supposed to be funny?
Marco: I only like his intro part, he's voice is so deep
Tyrone: Hey! I am much more sexy than him!

me:well The_Iplier_Person i guess half of them liked markiplier, especially will haha but anyways thanks for the dare! It was nice including markiplier here in this dare game!

see ya!

dare(BillDip,WillDip,TomCo,etc.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat