❀ Chapter 22: Baby ❀

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"Mr. Zhang."

Your father grinned as he entered the luxurious restaurant, instantly seeing the young man waiting for him. He walked towards the assigned table as he was led by an employee.

"Mr. Kim, it's a pleasure to meet you again." Mr. Zhang sat down as Kai just smiled. "I'm certain that you're surprised by my invitation?" He chuckled, grabbing his glass of wine.

"Yes, I was. I assume you have an important matter to tell me, Mr. Zhang." Kai calmly said, raising a hand to a waiter, who just nodded before getting to work.

"My daughter..."

As Mr. Zhang said those two words, Kai couldn't help but to let out a sigh.

"I was about to make an appointment with you too, Mr. Zhang. It's about that matter too. I apologize but before you say anything else, will you let me speak first, Mr. Zhang?" Kai slightly bowed as he pleaded. Mr. Zhang was aghast with the young man's action and words.

"I-It's fine, Mr. Kim. You may."

Kai sighed in relief before looking at your father in the eyes.

"I want to end our agreement, Mr. Zhang."

Mr. Zhang's eyes widened as Kai bowed again.

"I know my brother asked for your help before he left, in return, I did what you wanted." Kai recalled what happened. "Our company was falling on the ground when one of our trusted employees stole half of our stockholdings. My older brother, Soohyun, has already booked a flight for business in France when that happened, that's why when I heard about it, I didn't hesitate to reach out."

Mr. Zhang listened attentively as Kai told him the past events that happened.

"And I met you since father told me you would help. You did." Kai chuckled, nodding to himself. "But for one condition."

"Make my daughter come back if you want me to help you." Kai breathed out as he spoke. "That's what you said. I didn't know she was a grown up already, so I accepted." Kai slightly smiled at your first encounter. You on the ground as you reach out for your dog, as it runs towards him.

"I was desperate as my brother back then, accepting everything you say since our company was at risk and you're the only certain hope we had."

Kai grabbed his own glass of wine, taking a careful sip on it.

"But I want to stop now."

Mr. Zhang looked at Kai, clasping his hands together after he put down his glass of wine.

"Do you have any reasons why you want to end it?" He calmly asked.

Kai immediately thought of you. How you'll react when you find out that he met you not coincidentally but on purpose. How he agreed on keeping an eye on you with a desperate reason. How he's staying in the same dorm because it made his work so much easier. How he used that advantage to keep their company balanced.

He felt awful.

It's like he used you to save their company.

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