Chapter 8: Plane Ride and Settling In

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Chapter 8: Plane Ride and Settling In.

"Ready to head back home?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, Canada's good but I prefer to be warm instead of a frozen Popsicle." I said buckling my seat belt on the plane.

"Hey! You're a Canadian, you shouldn't be saying that!" Vivian said from behind us.

"You know that just as well as I do that negative twenty degrees weather isn't fun." I replied.


"Thought so." I said.

"So, first thing we do once we get back is?" Jordan asked.

"I don't know, record something maybe?" I suggested.

"Yeah, like Trouble in Minevile or something like that. That would be fun." Vivian added.

"Of course it would be fun, you rock at that game." I said with a smile.

"It would still be fun though." Jordan said.

"Why not then? That gamemode hasn't been recorded in a long time, on anyone's channel to be honest." I said. Soon later the plane took off, and thus began our five hour trip. During the trip I had managed to jot down some notes for the livestream I was planning, what mini games we were going to play, if any special guests were going to join us, that sort of thing. I had also sketched out how I wanted the layout to be for the viewers. There was going to be a couple of facecam boxes, a countdown to Christmas Day, and possibly a live twitter feed with a hashtag that I still had to make up. Once the plane landed, the three of us headed towards the baggage claim and got our bags.

Eventually we made it back to the apartment, some mail and a few packages waiting outside the door. Jordan unlocked the door and I picked up some of the mail while Jordan brought my bags and his own inside. Vivian grabbed one of the packages and went inside, I followed right behind her and placed them on the kitchen table. Soon enough all of our things from the trip were unpacked, and it was all calm in the house. That's when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get that." Jordan said sitting up from the couch. He walked over to the door, yet he didn't say a word once he opened it. Once he came back, something black was in his hands.

"What's that?" Vivian asked.

"I don't know, it was just sitting outside the door. Just like that card we got a while back."

"It looks like a book of some sort." I said looking at the object a bit closer.

"It does." Vivian agreed.

"Well, let's see what is inside it then." Jordan said. He held the object like a book and tried to open it. He pulled on the edges, but it wasn't opening. "It's not opening."

"Wait, there is something on the back." Vivian pointed out. Flipping the book over, Jordan saw that sure enough there was something on the back.

"It says Only a short time left here in this world, be prepared for the rest." Jordan said solemnly.

"Dam, this isn't good. We should check with the others." Vivian said quickly. I looked over at the clock and sighed in relief.

"Martyn and Toby should be up still if we hurry." I noted. Vivian grabbed her laptop, which was thankfully close by. She started up Skype and called the same people as before.

"You know, I was just about to call you guys!" Martyn said somewhat happily.

"Oh really? Why?" Aleks said.

"Probably the same reason why we called you, did you guys receive this book shaped thing quite recently?" Jordan asked holding up the false book.

"Yeah actually." Toby said holding up the same thing.

"Apparently we only have a short time left here in this world. Now, if I am thinking about this correctly," I started.

"Something big is going to happen, just like last time." Aleks commented.

"Also known as, another gaming world." Eddie said, his voice full of shock.

"At least somewhere different this time though. Maybe something we don't play as much." Toby commented.

"So you are actually looking forward to going into a gaming world?" Vivian questioned.

"No! Not at all, I would rather stay here instead of fighting for my life every single moment of the day to be honest." Toby replied.

"We should at least get prepared though." Martyn said.

"How? It's not like we know where we are going exactly." Eddie questioned.

"True. Maybe mentally though? So it's not as big of a shock?" Martyn replied.

"To be honest, nothing is a shock anymore. Whenever I play Minecraft now, I just think about what happened." Jordan said.

"Like almost falling to your death in the ravine?" I joked.

"Maybe." He replied.

"Anyways, I take it we all got this, thing?" Vivian said getting back on track.

"Yup, came about an hour ago." Eddie said.

"Yeah." Martyn, Toby and Aleks agreed.

"Wait, so am I just invisible now or what?" A voice said. Looking at the call list, I saw Adam was brought into it.

"Hey Adam. You weren't online when we called earlier. Sorry about that!" I said quickly.

"Anyways. We were just talking about this book thing that we got earlier." Vivian explained.

"Oh right. What about it?" Adam questioned.

"Adam." I said with a sigh. "Did you even read the back of it?" I asked.

"No..." Adam replied.

"Turn it over." Aleks said, an annoyed look on his face. Adam did so and he smiled.

"Oh, that. That's bad right?" Adam asked.

"Yes. Yes it is Adam." Martyn said with a sigh.

"Right, so how much longer do you guys think we have?" Adam asked.

"A week, two at most I would say." Aleks said, he looked more relaxed now than he did previously.

"Ugh, right at Christmas time?" Toby complained.

"Right near the charity livestreams." Martyn said with a sigh.

"Dam, whoever these people are really like to mess up our lives don't they?" I questioned.

"Well it looks like we can't do anything about it just now." Adam began. "It seems like we are just going to have to act like nothing is happening."

"Martyn!" A voice called faintly. Martyn looked to his right and he smiled.

"I've got to go," Martyn said. "See you guys later." We all said goodbye to Martyn and he left the call. Eventually the call was closed down.

The next day was fairly quiet. Vivian was off in a separate room recording something for her channel, while Jordan was doing the same. I had just finished my own recording session, it should cover about two or three days before I had to record something else. Thankfully, it looked as if the vlogs were well received, which was good considering I hardly posted vlogs on the channel. Things were starting to wind down a bit as Christmas neared, which was nice in a sense. But I knew something was going to happen, was it going to be a good thing? Or a bad thing? With my luck, and with all my crazy friends, who knows.

A/N: And another chapter is finished! Also, just a quick side note, after this chapter there may or may not be only two chapters left in AGSB3... That's all I am saying on the matter for now, and on that note, I've been Vicerry, take care guys!

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