Chapter 5: Vlogy time! And PAX?!

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Chapter 5: Vlogy time! And PAX?!

"Welp, time for that vlog then I guess." I said pulling out my camera. Flipping it around I pressed record and did my intro. "Hello my precious little Jewels and welcome back to the mines, my name's Diamond. As you can see today, we are in the beautiful snowy area of Boston." I said pointing the camera to the window, showing of the gorgeous view. "So, I'm here for PAX as well as Jordan and Bright, I think they are with the others right now, prepping some things for the signing that is happening tomorrow. Yeah, so after these next two days in Boston, Jordan, Bright and I will be heading out to my old hometown, back to good ol' Canada! Just going to go visit some people and all. But, I've asked my parents, and they said I could vlog there, so you guys get to see a bit of my past!" I said pulling a derp face at the end. "Now, let's go and find those two." I said walking out of the room and turning right, down the hallway to Mitch and Jerome's room. "I think they are in here, let us find out!" I knocked on the door and Mitch came to the door.

"Who is it?!" He called out from behind the door.

"It's me you big butt!" I said shoving the camera into the peep hole.

"Well then, come on in!" He opened the door and I bopped him on the head. "What was that for?"

"I don't know, just felt like it." I said shrugging my shoulders." Uh, where is Bright and Jordan?" I asked.

"In Adam's room with Jerome. I think Adam's vlogging to." He replied.

"Alright then Jewels! To Adam's room we go!" I grabbed Mitch's arm and dragged him next door.

"Where are you taking me?!" He groaned.

"Just next door, come on." I said with a grin. He smiled and knocked on Adam and Jason's door.

"Hello?! It's me, Mitch, dood." Mitch cried out.

"I'm commin', hold your horses." A voice said from behind the door, I think it was Jason's. As I suspected it was Jason, he opened the door with a smile.

"Hey," Vivian called out as we entered the room.

"Hey there girl,"

"Welp. I guess that is all for today, so I will see you guys later! I've been Diamond and have a safe trip home from the mines!" I said turning off the camera. Shoving it inside my pocket, I sighed and flopped down on a nearby bed. "What time is the signing again?"

"At eleven. I think" Mitch said. I yawned and Jordan smiled.

"Somebody sounds tired." Jordan mocked kindly. I playfully hit him on the shoulder and he smiled.

"Oh shut up you." I stood up and stretched a bit. "I should be going to bed soon, all these time zone changes really take a toll on you eventually."

"Alright, see you in the morning Rocky." Jason said. I nodded and walked back to my room. Jordan was going to come in later on in the evening. I yawned and unzipped my suitcase and pulled out a pair of pyjamas. They were a midnight black and had small, bright yellow stars on them. I also pulled out my laptop and some cables, so I could upload the vlog I just took. I plugged the camera in and started the upload. I also plugged in my charger, so my laptop wouldn't die on me. Flopping into bed, I turned off the lights, pulled up the covers and fell asleep.

The Next Day,

I awoke the next morning to the sounds of Jerome and Mitch next door. I groaned and hit the wall.

"Hey! Seriously guys?!" I yelled.

"Sorry!" Two voices answered back. I grinned slightly and shook Jordan awake.

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