Chapter 4: Two days left?!

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Chapter 4: Two days left?!

I awoke the next morning to a panicked Vivian and Jordan, rushing around the apartment. Sighing I got up and walked out of my room to see the two of them running around packing and such.

"What's the big deal? Don't we leave for PAX tomorrow?" I said sleepily.

"No! I got an e-mail from the organizers this morning saying that our flight leaves at one!" Jordan said throwing some things away into cupboards.

"And the time is?"

"Eleven, and we have to be there for twelve." Vivian said tossing what looked like a carry-on bag near the front door. My eyes widened and I raced back to my room. Throwing in clothes and such into one suitcase, my laptop, camera and charging cables into another. I jumped over the suitcase and put on some skinny jeans, a graphic t-shirt (one of my own this time) and a beige jacket. I shoved on some anklet boots and grabbed my bags, rushing out the door, I saw Vivian and Jordan waiting impatiently by the front door. Vivian actually looked prepared for the weather in Boston where as Jordan, didn't.

"Dude, go put on some jeans or something. Boston isn't a warm place this time of year." I said putting my backpack on, which was full of my electronics. "It's kind of snowy there right now."

"I'll change on the plane, we need to go, our cab is waiting downstairs." He said picking up his suitcase. Vivian and I did the same and we headed to the elevator. Luckily we were the only ones inside. As it moved downwards, I tapped my foot impatiently. My phone buzzed and I saw that my mother had texted me.

"Hello sweetie, when are you coming back home to pick up the rest of your things? The apartment complex called us about it saying you only had a week to get it all out." I sighed and shoved it back into my pocket, I'll text her back once we were at the airport. The elevator dinged and we raced out and ran to the cab. Luckily he was still there waiting for us.

"Airport please." Jordan said sitting in the front seat.

Thirty Minutes Later.....

I sighed and sat down on the terminal's bench. We had just under thirty minutes before takeoff and I still had to tell Jordan about heading home for a bit. Vivian was sitting down beside me, scrolling through something on her phone. Jordan was looking out the window, just staring at the passing planes. Standing up I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. He looked towards me and smiled.

"Hey, you sure you are not nervous?" He asked kindly.

"If I can handle elementary kids, I can handle PAX." I said with a laugh. "But, there's something I have to tell you."

"What is it?" He asked with curiosity.

"You know how I left my apartment back in Canada? Well my parents told me that I need to go and get my stuff or the complex is going to sell it. And I only have a week left before that all happens."

"It's alright, we'll head over there after PAX. I'm sure we can get tickets." He said kissing me on the cheek. "Vivian's coming too right?"

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll want to catch up with her family as well." I felt my phone buzz once again and grabbed it from my pocket. "One sec." I looked down at it and saw that my brother texted me, again.

"So..... I heard about the kidnappings, give me a call alright? We need to talk. :P"

"That your mom again?"

"No, my iodic brother." I felt my eyes widen and I started to smile." You know what I just remembered?"


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