Chapter 6: Reunions

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Chapter 6: Reunions

"And we have landed in beautiful, Toronto, Canada. Have a safe holiday and thank you for flying with us." The pilot said over the intercoms.

"Finally, that couldn't have been any longer." Jordan said with a sigh.

"We still have a three hour car drive to go though. So, we will be arriving there around eleven?" I said checking my phone, it was already nine o'clock at night. Jordan groaned and I laughed. As we exited the plane I wondered what my brother's reaction was going to be once he saw Jordan. I mean, he watched Jordan's videos, but probably none of the sappy stuff.

"Hey, were are we staying at?" Vivian asked as we continued to walk down the airport's many walkways.

"Pillar, it was the only one we could get into in such a short time." I said shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Sweet, close to your house and mine." Vivian said with a smile.

"So, where is our luggage?" Jordan said looking over the conveyor belts.

"Right there!" I said pointing at our suitcases. The three of us grabbed our bags and started to walk to the doors leading outside.

"How are we exactly getting to this 'Pillar'?" Jordan asked, making the air quotes with his fingers.

"Um, I think my parents were going to pick us up. Let me double check." I said, I pulled out my phone and went to text my dad.

Hey, um, are you still coming to pick us up or do we have to rent a car?

Hey honey, I'm standing at the front of the airport as we speak. Your mom's at home with your brother.

I smiled and put my phone away. "Apparently my dad is outside waiting for us, he's going to drive us back to my old house."

"Awesome." Jordan said, his suitcase rolling behind him as we walked. In a few short minutes we reached the front of the airport, we left the building and I looked for a familiar face. I scanned the few amount of people and tried to find my dad. Finally I found him. My dad had black hair with gray hair peppered in. His black rimmed glasses a tad foggy from the cold, and his traditional brown jacket, jeans and cowboy boots were on. Thankfully he hadn't worn his ridiculous hat. (A/N Trust me, it is so freaking embarrassing. You guys have no idea what my real dad is like >-<) I dropped my bags and raced over to him. Embracing him in a hug, a tear dripped down my cheek and onto his coat.

"Hey dad." I whispered. "I've missed you so much."

"Me too Rock, me too." He replied. I broke away from the hug and saw that Vivian and Jordan had come closer. Kindly Jordan had brought my bags from where I dropped them on the snow covered ground.

"Hi Mr.Neri, it's nice to see you again." Vivian said kindly.

"Ah, nice to see you to again Vivian. Please, after all this time call me Jeff." He answered giving her a handshake. Knowing she disliked hugs from certain people. "And who might this gentleman be?"

"That's Jordan dad. My boyfriend." I said walking closer to him and taking my bags from his hands.

"Hello Mr.Neri. It's nice to meet you, your daughter was telling me about you and your family all the way here." Jordan said with a smile, shaking my dad's hand.

"Nice to meet you too Jordan. Let's get going to the car shall we?" My dad responded.

"Yeah, it's quite cold out here." Jordan said, shivering slightly. I stared at him as did Vivian.

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